WTBorrow: Someone with a truck - One day 5/29-5/31

Have a box spring that needs to be moved from West Seneca to downtown buffalo by Canisius.

PM me with how much to load and drop off downtown. Box spring is a full size.

Friday is the earliest I’d be available… but you’re probably better off strapping it to the top of your car. A boxspring for a full size bed weighs like 30lbs, and isn’t any wider than a car.

I think my truck would be a little overkill on both fuel consumption and size.

ill do it I can borrow my buddys truck how much you willing to pay can do it tomorrow “Tuesday”

can do today after work

prices for your guys to go and throw it in your truck and bring it to my house downtown?

yea ill do eveerything


im askin how much willya give me IDC im not the guy to make prices less im runnin a business just tyrin to help local forum member

well gas and time is expensive. if you are making a trip to west seneca to pick it up and drop it off is gonna cost more than someone who lives there and can take it on the way.

just let me know what your cost for time and gas would be.

Do you really not have a car and some string?

shit ill throw it on the top of my car for ya with some rope. but you provide the string and a 12 pack and we will call it even, im in south buffalo

lol. Now you’re on to something.

A rachet strap would be best. Just don’t snug it enough to crack the wood.

i have a sunfire. this thing is bigger than my whole car. a big point of why i am seeing if anyone wants to make a few bucks and do it is because i am moving from amherst to the city and its out of my way to drive all the way back out to west seneca to pick it up.

if you can buy the string and load it up, ill meet you at the house tonight with cash for it and a 12 pack of whatever.

You said full size right?

54" wide and 75" long. I’m just tryig to save you some time, money and a hassle.

Good luck.

yes box spring for a full size bed

hey bro did you get it over there?

I can deff get my buds truck tomorrow he txted me asked me if i still need it that i can take it tmrw

someone give boxxa a hand with this.

I could do it for $

and then you could pickup that tank top and cologne when you help boxxa out since what he needs picked up is at my house. :slight_smile: