WTF? anyone else play at pokerroom?

pisses me off… some dude went all in pre-flop (he kept stealing the blinds and was pissing the table off) and I decided to call with a J-9 suited (he had A-K offsuit). K-10-6 was flopped, then Q, 7 and I got knocked out. WTF? Last time I play there (I know that he didn’t catch a flush).

It sucks too because stupid poker room boots you out of the room automatically after you get knocked out, so I really have no way to proove it as I couldn’t request the card log (lost it when it booted me)

people have told me that pokerroom sucks but I didnt think it was buggy/has people cheating on it

my logs are always on and every hand im in i write down the hand number, super easy to look it back up. pokerroom is the shit. i never experienced any bugs before. my guess is you saw something wrong

^^ agreed. they have records, email customer svc - they will get back to you.

anyway, your play sucked, so stop complaining. J9 either suited or offsuit is horrible, regardless of how he was playing. SUITED HANDS ARE NOT THAT GOOD! when will people realize this?

should play on full tilt man… it’s awsome.

poker room has the best lookin interface

I love J 9, in the right position, and for the right price of course. It can be a money maker.

i’ve had a few 20-75 dollar hands … where i would get disconnected … and fucked on the min bet on the turn or river

Gotta play dsiconnect protect

1-2 and 2-4 nl don’t have it

werd… I have alot of luck with J 9

bodog interface > *
