WTF - i have a stalker - true story

its business, i am not trying to be shady so i cant NOT tell people where i am located… i receive money orders and i have local pick ups… it has to be done.

It is also a weakness he was able to exploit and i’m pretty flattered by the effort and depth of this whole scenerio but its scary that he cant let it go and i am sure he has been hyping himself up for it.

it would have been good to meet in montreal because i was with another cousin of mine that could wreck any two dudes of similar proportions as well as several of his friends including a Toronto police officer.

obviously i was startled at first when i found out he showed up from 7 hours away to ‘chat’ but i know the guy pretty well… he’s like most middle-easterns… loves to play on people’s assumptions that they are capable of violence (terrorism) but like most westernized guys like this they are afraid of the consequeneces of their actions and rightfully so.

in the end he likely just wants to pound me a few times, he isnt stupid enough to get crazy violent… sure is persistent though