WTF internet?

I feel bad for you guys, weve had time warner roadrunner since 99ish. and its been flawless

when does fios arrive in this area? someone? anyone?

when it does! yeah time warner is not gonna be to happy of a camper when they loose EVERYONE to that amazing service

gay TW acting like crap again


I’ve been stuck playing MUDs, and using lynx all day. :frowning:

And just like that, mine is working again. Been down most of the night.

My internet was all screwed up. I still can’t get my laptop to connect.

Yeah, mine was sucking ass earlier today as well




ahaha nice

just called tw and got the bullshit message.

RoadRunner my ass… its more like ROADKILL

Mine just came back 10 minutes ago.

Mine came back, went away, and is now back. Still can’t connect with my laptop.

mine seems to be back up. crosses fingers

What else is a fukin joke is TW’s tech line was fucked up the whole time too. I kept callin and it kept droppin me. I was using a land line too, this is a joke, rates keep goin up and service is just pathetic, i had better reliability with dial up!

ugghhhhhhhh, i need my fucking email and i need it now!!! this fucking sucks

They acknowledged they had issues tonight and stated that they should all be fixed.

My internet was shit for most of the day.


ugghhhhhhhh, i need my fucking email and i need it now!!! this fucking sucks


lol, I could get and send email, I just couldn’t browse the web. It was only down for me for about 1 hour.

any one having slow internet again?

mine was down since last night and was still down when i left this morning. fucking BS. im at work now