tw sucks ive had it with them:2fingers:
So tell me something. Why the hell if it is scheduled, why aren’t users made aware ?
No idea.
It seems everywhere I go lately the Internet sucks ass… At work we have charterone (I think) and it has been shitty as hell lately. We have Verizon here and it seems to go out about once every 15 minutes for about 15 - 30 seconds. My old man has TW and has been bitching lately about how shitty that has been for him as well. Some type of local backbone issue maybe?
I got the fastest TW offers… and it sucks…
Fucking 15 down 2 up my ass, i get like 12 down, 1 up. And its still not even that fast.
211 ping?? holy shit.
Looks to me like you have standard speed. 4mb down/384kb up, in that case your speeds are spot on.
hey, since you’re here
Would yah holler over to billing and see what the price / tiers are?
4mb / 384k
then 6 / 1?
then 15 / 2?
Fios still isnt here…
I’ll check in a minute for you. I know some areas standard is 10/1 some area is still 4mb/384kb, and add $9.95/mo for the 15/2.
I’ll take it to PM’s
^^ yeah, that’d be a no.