WTF is this?!?

1979 Pontiac Sunbird?!?

V6, obviously RWD, sure as hell not a J-body…

I am so confused…

when I seen that u posted this I knew I should have not viewed it but I said fuck it maybe it aint a waste of my time. I should have went with my gut feeling because it was a waste of my fuckin time just like its a waste of my fuckin time to write this shit.

i’m asking a legitimate question, you fucking douchebag… What the hell is that? I never knew there was a pre-J-body Sunbird.

Are you going to answer? Or are you too busy plotting your next dramatic absence from the board?

I love hard care internet guys like u boy do u really turn me on. Also u fuckin tard put this in the right area and it wont get fucked with like this u stupid fuck. :doh:

I found something you should take a look at…

hey guys dont post stupid shit in my threads boo fuckin hooo baby.

cool u going to join me :clit:

i don’t want to hear about crying… you “leave” this board more often than Sunhawk says something retarded.

x2 (who do i remind u of)


a fuckin homo

did Sam just call himself a homo?

(I thinks he did)

ding ding!

sam is a homo, but that besides the point.

wow these guys are fuckin smart

I’m hardcare smart.


now…can anyone tell me what that is? Does it have a Chevy equivalent?

chevy is poop, just like ford.

but what has top sales in N.A. enough said :slight_smile:

u aint doing a good job of making fun of me douchebags. I can barely see and I dont care if i miss spell shit.