wtf is wrong with ppl?!?!?

ok so since it was nice night out tonight we took the TA out for a little ride. Just drove around looking at xmas lights and crap. Once we were done with that we started to drive through the strip just to have something to do. Get to the point where sports rock and krobar are on the right hand side when a guy in black SUV (going in the opposite direction) pulls out a gun and just goes to town. Luckly the guy he was shooting at ducked and they missed him along with missing everyone else that was walking. once he got to my fender he pulled the gun in and took off. The guy who was getting shot at got up and ran. We pulled over made sure everyone was ok and waited for the cops to come (which for some reason when you do a burn out down there they are right on your ass but when theres a shooting they take thier time). I just dont understand the need to try and shoot someone in a crowded area like that. Dont think i’ll be going for any “rides” down there again any time soon.


WTF, people are amazing. I’m glad you’re okay and no one was injured. The ones pulling the guns are the ones who would otherwise get their asses kicked. Hopefully that guy gets what he deserves!

Do you know if they caught the degenerates who were driving/shooting?

gladur aight laura

wow thats one crazy fucking story. good thing the other dude didnt have a gun, or you would have been cought in the crossfire.


There’s no shootings in the Strip.

wow glad to see that no one was hurt.


You didn’t turn around and chase them? :smiley: Glad you’re okay.

Christ, that was close. Glad you guys are OK. F the strip.

holy shit. Good thing nobody got hit.

wtf…thats messed up but im glad to hear you’re alright

That’s some scary shit, glad you weren’t hurt.
The strip has become a real shithole, that’s why i stopped going there.

Glad your ok …usually the strip isnt too bad There are dealers down there though…pretty lil white girls always need to be careful.


glad the car is ok

and you guys too :smiley:

who cares… more than likely the guy getting shot at wouldn’t be missed by anyone. Sucks for the innocent though.

Thank god he stopped shooting before you drove in front of him!

Sucks that I can’t go down to that club anymore though. It’ll be shut down in about three months.

no and they prob wont either. no license plate on the car and the cops took forever to get over there.

lol ya your right

should of ran him over