wtf is wrong with ppl?!?!?

wow, crazy…but that shit happens every now and then. I gonna carry someday, cuz in this day and age, shootings seem to be a common occurance. sad

i wrecked the bike into the dock and the cops were there in probably a minute and a half. :dunno:

the shootings thou are probably in the 90 percentile of not being random… but a ceratin percentage is always gonna have innocent bystanders. I think theres a fine line between being smart about where you go and just being a scared pussy. like smart would be not goin to a club or near a club that has wamo night, no dress code or lax security. Just being paranoid would be like never going to the strip because of the slim chance someone might be shooting. fact is ur probably safer going down the strip than many malls in this city.

i’m sure we need more gun laws now thou because crimnals follow the gun laws. :rolleyes: just make it harder for law abinding citizens to protect themselves.

people are retarded…but i have one question…when the shooting started…you were still in the same area because why?

It was me, sorry guys.

Their first instinct isn’t to run.

i really wanna know what you said before you edited it, Darwin has proven the “flight” instinct more than useful. This is why innocent bystanders get shot

lol well the shooting was all of 3 seconds… and if adam would have tried to hurry up and get on the gas we prob would have ran over a nice row of ppl. plus the thought crossed my mind to make sure the guy laying the street wasnt dead

not being paranoid… the strip is a pos and theres really no reason to even go down there anymore. unless your parked next to club zoo checking out all those fine 15 yr olds :rolleyes: …

I wasn’t thinking and typed They’re instead of Their.

:rolleyes: k

this thread sux, not the best idea to start this thread either

i wasn’t the one driving through there in the middle of december.

theres no reason to go past the bridge unless you need produce or a primantis sandwich

who said i went that far down??? it was in front of krobar

it was nice out so i took the car out but i guess thats not normal… didnt think ppl would be shooting others thats all


woah, scary. glad you both are ok

Wonder if the SUV had tinted windows

That’s ghetto.

Glad your ok…Green and I were at Matrix…Its getting bad down there…

Damn, that right down the street from my work. Carry permit here I come.

First, I can not believe that people in this thread are actually criticizing the fact that she was driving on a public road. Secondly, that is retarded that some of these idiots have to pull guns to settle their disputes—all because they have a fear of getting their ass kicked, or “disrespected”.

It sounds cliche, but if you use fists instead of guns, you live to fight another day (ever see Friday?)

It kind of makes me uneasy about the fact that I have a 1 year old son who has to grow up around this kind of bullshit. How do I know that one day he won’t be caught in the middle of a dispute between 2 people who aren’t man enough to settle their problems face to face?

Scary shit.