WTF: Job.

I have chosen to leave my position at Adsco. For those of you who do not know, i am a Welder and a Fabricator. I have ALOT of experience in Mig, Tig, Spray, Arc, and Sub arc welding. I worked from blueprints all day everyday, But i can also “wing” it if it has never been done before. Im looking for anything really, wheather its field work, or warehouse/assembly.

If you or anyone you know are interested, send me a pm, and i will send you or whomever my actual resume, work experience etc.


good luck finding a new job.

word of advice for next time, swallow your pride and find a new job before you quit your current one.

anyways, try PMing Audios, he may have a job available, maybe not though, but worth a chance asking him

it was a forced kind of thing, but not firing, hope that makes sense to you.

but thanks anyways.

WTF: Job

i think this EVERY day!

You are DOT certified right? Try get a state job.

Or Derrick.

i didnt htink you could just apply at derrick. dont you need a reference?