WTH:Customer Service Representatives

We are currently looking to hire Customer Service Representatives. We are looking for full time positions. Pay starts at $9-10 an hour to start with an evaluation after the first 6 months. After one year of employment you receive 1 wks vacation and health benefits are paid on a sliding scale. Our hours of operation are Mon-Fri 9-6pm and Sat 10-2pm. We are a growing company with low employee turn over. The position requires strong customer service skills, phone skills, computer knowledge and lifting of product. The positions we are hiring for will be a cross trained position. The position will include phone customer service and data entry along with helping out our walk in customers at the front desk. Anyone interested can stop by our location at 1955 Wehrle Dr. or send a copy of their resume to HRApply@LifetimeService.com. Then fill out an application online at http://www.theadvantage.com/application/
If anyone has any questions about the position please PM me. We are also currently hiring Technicians and Technician Assistants for more information send a PM.


pm sent.

how much lifting (lbs)?

Are you the owner?

part time work availible?

this is a really good job … wife did it last year…she quit b/c of the new house and such…you also get good deals on things… I will let Her tell you if she wants to

she is the supe of the call center

Well working the front door you have to assist customers in bringing in units. The largest units customers bring in are typically projection televisions.

Yes we are also hiring part time.