I have a 2000 Olds Intrigue and a 2 way remote starter I bought a couple years ago that I would like installed. It can be done at my shop are wherever you are if that’s easier.
Adictd2b00st if he has the time, or PitLord (Chris) who works at Daryls Car Audio on Dick Rd. :tup:
no time…thanks tho josh :tup:
what brand of unit
i would def go with pitlord who works at darryls, quality work at a good price. :tup: to him
i ad mine put in at stereo advantage, took them like 30 min, 65$ after tax =) 3 years running strong knock on wood
pm me i can get someone to install it for you
Take it to Bdr5oh if he has the time, so far he did 7 cars for me and everything is perfect.
Pitlord works at Darryls? Sweet.
I have a unit that is installed but doesnt work… does anyone know if Darryls has DEI?
last I knew they were a DEI dealer