WTH: Want to build supercars in florida?


haha. seems like a cool place to work


OMG. you cant be serious.

lord knows i can do assembling. But what does it entail and as stated any requirements to working there? only requirements i have is an automotive degree.

IM deff interested. Pm me with how much you pay. I make 9 a hour right know so as long as you pay more then that idk casue im looking to work in this field at the min. Im so sick of security guard job, I work 3-11 i have like no life right know and i love working on cars. The past two weeks i have had to work on two sti’s one was a clutch job. Well pm me back with detail’s please i would love two do this asap thank you Del

Better yet if you dont want to pm me call me ok thanx 716-807-6412 . I moved hear in jan 8 of this year still have my ny number (=

Hook Crazy up with a job, he lives in west palm area, hes got some build experience

anyone interested should talk to anne m-f 7-5 @ Tel: (561) 842-2492

tell her chris told you about any open positions.

experience is great but not 100% needed. assembly is okay, its not too difficult:blah:

i cant discuss pay. that is up to you and them to decide.

Ok thank you Chris I well call monday morning. I’m off maybe i can drive up there it’s only like 30mins away.