WTHire: Welder, preferably w/ lift

I know I posted this once before but I guess i should be a little more specific with what i need exactly…

I purchased the reinforcement kit for the rear subframe of my e36, I am in need of someone that can weld it on for me… the ‘catch’ i guess you can say, is that in order to weld it on, the rear suspension/drivetrain needs to be removed, which I planned on doing myself to try and save some labor costs, the welding itself should be fairly simple/quick (i dont see it taking more than an hour or two). It would be much, much quicker to get done if you have a lift, if all the work has to be done on jackstands i see it taking much longer. Like i said, the welding itself shouldnt take much more than an hour if even that, but the lift space will be taken for approx 2-3 hours before/after the welding is done so i can remove what i need to, then put it back together… this needs to be done asap and very well, please dont respond if welding is something you dont really do but just know how.

Please PM me and we can discuss price… I am willing to pay more if you have a lift I can use for the day.


bump i need this done asap… I will pay the welder $300 for his time/garage space for a day… real garage that is, not parents garage.

there is a lot of labor involved in the reinforcement, gonna be a lot more than 300

ask djnick? or innovative


real garage that is, not parents garage.




there is a lot of labor involved in the reinforcement, gonna be a lot more than 300


the rear suspension and drivetrain needs to be removed which im doing myself. $300 is for someone to let me take up a spot in the garage for the couple hours its going to take me to take it all off and put it back on, and the <1 hour its going to take to weld on the 4 plates. thanks though.

alright lets us know how that goes…

edit: pics with clock or ban


alright lets us know how that goes…

edit: pics with clock or ban


lol my buddy is real good with them, and you can bypass removing certain things if you have a good/careful welder, but honestly this really cant take more than a day because thats probably all i’ll be able to get off work, I will definitly post pix though before/during/after. i reaalllly hope you’re wrong though and it doesnt take days to complete. or yes, then it will cost me lots more and that sucks.


Im with Midgex on this one. Not looking to grind your gears or nothing but the subframe problem is a royal PITA and an expensive one at that too which is why you prolly got the car for dirt cheap. Your defintely doing yourself some good to get some of the labor outta the way by dropping the rear end and such. Definitely find a good welder so you only have to do this once. Join up on bimmerforums.com, there is alot of knowledge on that board especially pertaining to the infamous torn subframe issue.

pay joe to use his lift, and have a welder come over and do it

We dont really have room for renting out the lift.

im not gonna be able to get this done till after the first… mpd if something changes and i can throw you a couple hundred to borrow a lift for the day sometime soon after the 1st let me know, thanks!!!

It wont. I’m renting extra space elsewhere because of how many cars we have.

yea thats a bitch in buffalo. i rent one on lexington, one on delavan, and still have to park my dd in the street

No there is a big difference between doing the subframe reinforcement and doing the subframe repair. If he is just reinforcing it then it shouldnt take that long. If he is trying to repair a f***ed subframe then it will involve a little more time and money.

Heres a link to bimmerforums.com where they have a little more experience with the issue:


According to them, it should only be ~$300 for the welder to install them. :gotme: