WTS-WTT 04 636

and it was never said to bog i said the power falls off between those rpm’s and comes right back

you start hosin people with talk like you know somthin and you dont ive owned 7 sportbikes and work on all of them with my good friend who is a certified mechanic, ive owned 18 hondas and 64 vw’s i am very mechanically inclined and you come heretalkin like you know somthin… look at this engine its so fresh… k20 swap my ass it’s the stock fuckin motor you tool!! never been changed!!! EVER!!

sorry man not trying to be a dick, but my car has some cosmetic dumb shit wrong and you went off about it… yours could be potentially dangerous and i’m just stating what i saw, nothing I said was a lie…

you were a :tup: guy for sure, and like I said a PC might fix it and I hope it does for ya… but if it doesn’t that could potentially be quite a project… I guess i’m just the kinda guy that would have to make my bike look shiny brand new if it was crashed.

willy what r you doin roght now ill come out their on the bike and let you ride the fuckin thing till your heart is content i have nothing to hide about this bike, just some squid pissed about me not wantin to trade my bike for his piece of shit car… his exact words were dam this bike is hot, the pictures make it look way worse, why dont more people cut the windshields down, thats fuckin sweet!


the fender hood front bumper and dr side headlight are all miss gapped it looks terrible and you spray painted it for god sake

lol why are you getting so heated

and a cool looking windscreen doesn’t wash out all the problems with it.

and I think I did mention the civic is just a gas saver, nothing more… I never said it was my show car, nor one that I really cared if it sold or stayed. and also on the phone you told me you were in auto body and repairs of that nature wouldn’t be a huge issue.

im not getting heated, i just know you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground about mechanics hence the reason you welded the exhaust straight to the downpipe

or maybe that was the kid who sold you the car and misspoke about the engine being a k20 not a d16y7?!?! easy mixup

im just hanging out right now until tonight around 8… if you wanna swing by feel free… i live in buffalo, near UB south campus… btw i dont think a PC is going to solve an issue caused by a cut slip on… having just a slip on shouldnt do much to change air/fuel. fwiw.

ooook enough about my car, you’re not hurting my feelings… I dont even know how to weld, nor was the one who installed my exhaust… I told the people doing it to leave it like that so when I get a header, it won’t be real hard to hook up. But thats all the defending of that car i’m going to do, because I dont really give a shit about it.

and when you think of new things to say, try using “edit” instead of a new post every 48 seconds.

ok well im possibly ridin out to meet willybean so he can vouch

rpm issue fixed took it to my buddys house and cleaned the fuel filter out, must have got bad res gas or somthing cuz it was dirty as hell…

hahahahaha, how could you ever mistake a k20 for a d16?? lol.

lmao yea i know… engine bay was just that clean!!!

so, detonation problem… thats really, really bad… especially because you rode it the whole time with that problem and that means the rings and rod bearing are effed, and the piston either has/is developing a hole in the top of itself.

i’m not gonna sit here and explain it to you, because I don’t care, but you’re admitting you always used shitty gas, because it only happens when you use low-octane gas, and like I said, everytime the delay occurrs, damage is done. a dirty fuel filter would not cause the engine to drop/delay/bog whatever you decide to call it at the exact same rpms every time.

so, thats what your problem really is/was, not the fuel filter. rez gas in a crotch rocket = fail, why would you even have took that chance!

^^you’re still shit talking in here? seriously? you tried to trade your car to this guy telling him it was k swapped while it was the stock d motor? gtfo.

ya i suck at life…

bike has always ran 93+ oct

but their is no problem with internals…

and i havent rode it the whole time like that… i put it on the road last wednesday rode it to shred and regan, on the way back got res gas cuz it was 2am and my gas light came on in angola, it started running funny 4 miles from my house, i parked it and did an oil change and plugs, cleared up a little bit, rode it prolly 4 miles to test it, last night i put it in my truck and took it to my mechahanic friends house in south dayton and he looked it over and the fuel rail was only getting 1/2 pressure so we pulled the fuel pump out and checked the filter and it was all crapped up so we pulled the injectors too and cleaned them all out and it now runs like a fucking maniac!

so id appreciate it if youd stop pretending to know what youre talking about mister
k swap and go shit up another thread im really getting fucking tired of your wannabe gangster ass…

i hope for your sake i never see you again!

explaining what the problem is because you have no idea, especially now that you admitted you put shitty gas in it, shouldn’t piss you off, and it very well could have fucked up the internals to some extent (look up what the fuck detonation is and you’ll agree) and surely doesn’t make me a “wannabe gangster”.

for my sake? you gonna beat me up?

Detonation occurs when excessive heat and pressure in the combustion chamber cause the air/fuel mixture to autoignite. This produces multiple flame fronts within the combustion chamber instead of a single flame kernel. When these multiple flames collide, they do so with explosive force that produces a sudden rise in cylinder pressure accompanied by a sharp metallic pinging or knocking noise. The hammer-like shock waves created by detonation subject the head gasket, piston, rings, spark plug and rod bearings to severe overloading.

i know what detonation is none of this has happened, no excessive fuel, pinging, knocking and the bike has never overheated. when looking at the plugs when this happens they should not be wet and loaded up believe me this was a concern for me when it first happened but i take my things to mechanics who know what theyre doing, so i know when clowns like you call me out that my shit is legit… the problem was that the fuel rail wasnt pressurizing so it had powerloss similar to when you are running out of gas…

and for the record i would stomp you…

do me a favor take som pics of this really clean civic and post em up here so people can see why youre shittin on my thread, and make sure to take some of the drivers side inner fender wall too… and that minty engine swap