WTT/WTB: Ap1 blue for black Int.

I have an ap1 blue with blue leather int. kinda dig the black leather more, willing to trade for modderatly good black interior plus cash? or straight up if slightly beat up. no one probably interested but thought id try, also posting on s2ki so yeah

aww come on!

Black interior is sooo lame. Its not like you have an ugly Tan interior. Don’t take the character away from the car

Yeah, but im thinkin about painting the car not blue lol so the blue int would look kinda ugly with a matte black paint ext. lol (p.s. after i bought it i found out it was resprayed before and horribly, thats why im reding entire car)

id do if you threw in cash

get me some details speifically how much cash pics? i can send pics or depending on location you could come see. let me know

ugh, the blue is hideous. I’de rather have tan.

wouldnt u still have blue dash? ;/ unless u plan to rip everything out?

planned on entire swap. incl dash swap

i was just thinkin seats and door panels. nevermind

Why just seats and door panels?

who would only trade seats and panels? plus id do the work if wanted

Please don’t paint this car matte black. It doesn’t have the body lines for it.

because i wouldn’t want a blue dash or carpet or anything else besides the seats and panels? im sorry i wouldn’t want you to touch my car either

yeah changed my mind on that im actually looking to go for the cr blue or just keeping the factory now i saw a matte colored one after thinking it would look awsome and kinda didnt agree with it

oh well

why did you buy a blue on blue s2000 if you hate both the interior and exterior color of the car? it’s not like it’s hard to find them in other colors.

well the deal i got on the car, plus i dont hate the ext color. it was just an idea. the only color im contemplating other than factory blue is the cr blue . but i dont think im even gunna do that, ive come to realize ill just tinker with a few new things (ie. suspention and brakes and tires) and worry about cosmetics and other shit . . . . well never?