Wu-Tang to save the economy...


In the video above, you’ll find Senate Republican Leader Christine Radgono taking to the Statehouse floor in Illinois to dispense some invaluable financial advice she received from Raekwon of the Wu-Tang Clan.

you gotta diversify yo bonds ni99a!

you gotta diversity your bonds *****

edit damn beat me to it

Christine Radgono ain’t nothing to f%&k with.

i dont see any black person helping anything to do with the economy



And true.

I love you man, but don’t be so ignorant. Chances are I’ll be voting for a black guy come November 2012, just not the one we have in office now.
Look up people like Allan West, Herman Cain (who I’m hoping for), and a few others. Being an Americain > being racist. And trust me man, I dislike a lot of black people (mostly nogs though), but when it comes to helping this country and get us on the right track, I don’t care if it’s a gay black Jew or a straight, white, Christian.

edit: ^ +rep

i meant my statement as being a thugish punk like them , not browns in general

I don’t see a white people ever paying taxes.

And by “white people” I mean one homeless guy that lives down by the bus station.

Before I knocked my Wifey up, one of my options in life was to be a vagrant. I really wanted to just wander the country and camp and live off the land lol.

Easy there Pitman


LOLWUT? Did you seriously just compare me to him?

It was either do that or go to the Marines lol.