Wubi, install linux (ubuntu) from windows shell on VHD


pretty wild I must admit. :beer: I was actually looking to re-install linux on my machine as a secondary OS, but was putting off clearing out space/creating a partition for it.

This seems to be exactly what I was looking for. Not to mention, using a virtual hard disk, opposed to an actual partition seems like it would be great for un-installing.

trying it tonite :slight_smile:

ah neat, I heard about this on the twit podcast months ago, but forgot to note it down.

Thanks i’ll try it out.

well, got it all installed. I’m VERY impressed with it so far. Very slim, when in windows don’t even know it’s there minus the file it uses for the virtual partition. (no weird partition info thru explorer)

also doesn’t use GRUB as a boot menu… just uses XP’s/Microsoft’s OS launch menu. Uninstalling is one click away, through windows add/remove programs menu

Also gives you the option to install Ubuntu/Kubuntu/redhat/ect (about half a dozen distros)

Yea now I just gotta figure out how to get drivers so I change the resolution

let me know when ya do… I remember it being a royal pain in the ass the last time I had ubuntu installed.

edit: although, not sure if it detected it’s “setting” from windows, because normally in the past, I was limited to 800x600 and 1024x768… thats the only modes it would give… but when this installed I believe it automatically set it to 1680x1050. I would have to double check though.

speaking of which… is there any difference in the functionality of a KDE desktop versus a Gnome desktop? I mean, any apps that run on Gnome, would run on KDE aswell, right? (as far as ubuntu goes). It’s only visual?

I’m still a linux n00b… learning though

It gave me 800x600 as the highest :lol:

I usually only use Linux on servers do I don’t care about resolution…I will figure this out and post up when I get time


You need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Check out ubuntuforums.org for help.


speaking of which… is there any difference in the functionality of a KDE desktop versus a Gnome desktop? I mean, any apps that run on Gnome, would run on KDE aswell, right? (as far as ubuntu goes). It’s only visual?


Yes, but that means you need to load the kde libraries in addition to the gnome ones… Personally I only use applications in the environment they were meant for.

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

will walk you through reconfiguring your xorg file, during which you can choose resoultions.

this does not always work…sometimes there are other stipulations that go along with getting that sort of thing to work out

sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

worked perfectly


:beer: thx man


Yes, but that means you need to load the kde libraries in addition to the gnome ones… Personally I only use applications in the environment they were meant for.


ok so I’ve never run kubuntu before… decided to try it out (only used gnome/ubuntu before). Well, when I go to Add/Remove Programs… It’s showing a bunch of stuff for both KDE and Gnome… anything for Gnome is greyed out (can’t select it) and a small handful of KDE apps are greyed out. I assume that I cannot install anything gnome as I don’t have the proper library installed?

Can you run both? I honestly like the interface of KDE alot better, but it appears that Gnome has alot more apps around.


you might have to at least install Gnome in order for those apps to run

ok, got it figured out… just had to update the installer list. all is good now

now, time to try to get the forceware drivers installed (great)

I had redhat on my mac, but it was such a hassle… and I had to force the resolution from the dam 600x800 it gave me. etc… I would still have it on a partition, but the dam thing just stopped booting… No clue what happened, and i didnt look into it, but it keeps on failing on the boot.

Id like to try out the ubuntu i have on my desktop… but i hear its a PITA to install on a mac… ugh…

why go to linux on ur mac? just start using the terminal more and you will feel right at home lol


why go to linux on ur mac? just start using the terminal more and you will feel right at home lol


I use terminal surprisingly often, but i like having a solid platform that has nothing on it available, and windoze sure aint it, that shit keeps slowing down daily…

just a heads up for nvidia/ati people

makes installing the drivers 100X easier

its a cool idea but for just my testing purposes for servers, I prefer a VM for linux. No need to reboot my whole computer.