just installed linux

just installed linux on my computer. fresh install of ubuntu 8.10. after a nightmare of getting all the right drivers to install for video cards and wireless adapters and learning how to use the command line in conjunction with everything i have finally had the chance to dabble into using some of the features of it. gotta say its a great program. i installed compiz fusion an awesome program that support a ton of workspace/desktop modifications. heres a video that shows some of what you can do with it:

im still learning to use it. anyone else out there use linux on their home computers?

I am thinking of putting it on my home PC… not sure yet though,.

mike call Nick he is linux master

that is awesome, I want it ! how much and is it safe ?

Its free and very safe

I want it, how do I get it ?

wow that sounded totally bad LOL

Just bent over;) :lol

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:roflI knew that was coming lol but u should have said " just bend over" lol instead u just said u just bent over, wtf do u want:rofl

So youd rather me tell you to bend over then??:lol

Ubuntu with compiz fusion is the “Sex” when it comes to operating systems. Enable the cube, it’s freaking sweet, on shit computer you can play 4 full screen videos at the same time and rotate the cube to each video without any lag :bowdown:bowdown:bowdown I want to solely run Ubuntu but some programs won’t work in WINE, so I’m kinda stuck using both.:frowning:

Never ran it and never will. Microsoft > *

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:roflno!!! hahahahahahahahaha wow I am totally failing today LOL


Cuz ill do it, just b/c im nice like that:lol

I am sure u would:ahh lol :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

I am running fedora core 10 on my laptop and I love it. I have compiz fusion installed as well and its very slick. One really awesome thing with linux is that they have very great/helpful forums…esp ubuntu.

Linux FTMFW!

Def no master, but I am decent with it.

will someone come over and help me put it on ?

I just want to let you know, its an alternative to windows and has the potential to screw things up. Also your hardware may not be fully supported and these neat effects may not work.