just installed linux

I have a dell with windows vista, will it work on that ? and can I ever go back to the way it was before with windows?


You can have a dual boot as long as you have enough hard drive space, meaning when you turn the pc on you can choose windows or linux.

You can always download ubuntu and burn it to a CD and run it right off the CD without installing anything, just to see what it’s like.

True. Actually most of the install cds are live as well now. A lot of times not all of the hardware drivers are on the live cd but it will give you an idea of what you are getting into.

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl I knew that was coming, ugh I suck tonight I cant even think straight lol


I have a spare laptop so I might load it up on there… hmm… a project for tomorrow?

I ran linux as a primary OS for about a year, then I went back due to WINE not working with all the programs I needed to use…

Linux is awsome though and you can do soo much with it

Linux FTW

just installed ubuntu on my laptop as a dual boot and it autmatically recognized my sprint wireless usb card and the on board wireless card.

Over the past year or two linux has gotten a lot better with supporting hardware… honestly your shit is hardcore outdated or extremely new chances are its supported, even little odd things like your sprint card for isntance has gotten a lot easier

i have a dual boot machine at home that runs xp/fedora. i threw out an old 486 machine with linux on it a couple of months ago. i did that just because, never really used it, just wanted to see it run on a 486.

I use ubuntu at school when I’m working in the robotics lab. Its a great lightweight OS. We’ve got it on a bunch of Dell Minis we use to control different robots.

After I get a big TV I’ll probably run Ubuntu as a home theater PC, it just runs soo good, it makes windows look like a fat ass. On the other hand, Windows 7 is catching up.


Depends on how you define safe. Linux, as you know, is an open source OS which leaves a few holes as far as safety is concerned.

But to argue both sides, 90% of spyware/trojans are designed for microsoft OS’s. So it is safer in that aspect.

But for what you get Linux is great for the right applications. For the applications I use, Linux won’t work though so im with good ole XP.

Oh and if you do get Linux, good luck with setting up your printers…

Why? Most mainstream printers are compatible with it… Shit my 10 year old POS worked just fine on Ubuntu…

But yes sometimes printers can be a PITA and you have to find some Generic driver that works with your printer.

Haha, I am pretty sure you’re kidding here…correct?

This is very true. I remember back a few years ago when I first started playing with linux I had trouble getting a standard network card to work. No I install linux and all of my shit works. I’m sure it will get nothing but better as well.

Well put, with the exception of the printer thing. My HP works a-ok. I would use 100% linux if wine could run photoshop (the only program I need in windows that doesn’t work in linux).

Wine + photoshop = no go :frowning: Only reason I have dual boot.

it is as safe as anal sex.