WWE: Hell In a CELL

Yea I remember him saying that, where did he train?

he trained at his friend mike’s house i went there a few times… his basement is set up

There a bunch of guys in Toga doing the same thing…

haha basement training, i love it!

i got my ass kicked a few times… im just a fat kid so they had it easy lol

I honestly find it hard to fight someone for sport…

I don’t doubt anyone in this sport that trains hard. Fat, skinny, whatever, you can be good really at it. There’s a couple of real heavy set guys in the gym I train at and they are pretty decent.

id love 2 do it again… but smokin pwns me and im in the process of quiting so rage will come with it

  • 1 self taught martial arts… nahhhhh

i was in martial arts from 8 to 14 or 15 years old , 2 diff schools throughout that, loved it, never went to that tai kwan do shit tho, thank god

this is probably the worst thread on shift right now.

yes… a WWE thread… wattheshit?

They fucking bitched out to panda fags.

The fuck?


ohhhhhhhh :lol

lol they were sued, the Real WWF waited till the WWF wrestling federation got HUGE and then sued them so they could get millions. Pretty shit if you ask me thats why its now called WWE

I have no idea what you just said.

Edited…its amazing what a period and coma can do

lol now i understand it!!