WWE: Hell In a CELL

well then he worked his way through the ranks really quick, Did he fight that black guy who is bald with the beard yet? he is Black Black not like Rampage Jackson

No, Kimbo Slice aka Kevin Ferguson technically isn’t in the UFC yet. Lesnar’s next fight is coming up, in December I believe? He’s fighting Shane Carwin.

Brock Lesnar is 3-1 in the UFC. He’s fought Frank Mir twice, lost the first time to him due to a leg lock. The second time he beat him to gain the belt over a TKO.

He also fought Randy Couture and won via TKO.

He also defeated Heath Herring via unanimous decision.

Thank You Kimbo he is still in MMA I was having such a hard time remember his name either way I hope kimbo comes in and wOOPS his @$$

Kimbo is new to MMA. He’s a well-known Youtube back yard brawler. The fights Kimbo has had display him of having no chance against someone like Brock Lesnar.

Shane Carwin is probably one of the only guys in the UFC right now who may put up a good fight against Brock.

Bleah I just havent liked Brock since his first interview

Would you mean his interview after he pummeled Heath Herring? What was wrong with that interview? Unless your talking about his LAST interview he just had after he beat Frank Mir for the belt and flipped everyone off, said fuck you, and made that cocky speech then yea, I could agree with you on that.

Well as you can see I dont follow it as much as you, I am talking about his very first fight against Frank Mir he was a Dbag sounds like he is no less of a Dbag now…dude that Brock Character just seems like he is on Roids<<-- not stating fact just opinion

im gonna try to search these on youtube, is there a better place to stream these fights from ? i was really wanting to see his fights but i dont keep up with tv enough

If you go on www.mmajunkie.com there’s usually guys on there that have free streaming sites. I normally order all of them so I’m not 100% sure.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbXWeNbuNV8 thats some kimbo gangster beats suck thou

haha I was just thinking the Versus Channel plays ALOT of MMA, UFC etc fights at night I use to watch BUT after watching that I couldnt go to sleep that stuff use to rile me up bad

Versus hosts the WEC. The WEC has a ton of awesome fighters.

i watch WEC when its on, other than that i really dont watch UFC anymore

Join a gym and start training.


I took Muay Thai in Thailand when I lived there for 4 years

There aren’t many Muay Thai gyms around here. I’d like to get into it though, but I just don’t have the time or the money to be going to multiple gyms to train.

If you are pretty focused and self motivated I would recommend this:


These self-teach programs don’t work. You can learn bad habits and incorrect stances, and technique this way. If you want to be good, you need a trainer working with you.

Well for me…It wasnt bad I dont agree with everything thats on it BUT over all I thought this was a great home study program and helps keeps focus…Nothing about this though is like training in Thailand those damn bambo sticks stance will piss ya off like no other…one flinch you gotta start all over again

91teg used to do MMA for a bit… i spared with him a few times, itll kick your ass