WWE star dead


Wow… that sucks.

damn, i met eddy, he was very cool in person.


wrestling is fake. he’s not dead.

That sucks. RIP

bummer. . .now whos going to be Batista’s partner

Dude, I’m sorry but everyne of your posts I read, I laugh my ass off at.

wow… RIP

Ill pour a budweiser or a Genny cream ale in his memory :cry:

jk, Rip

no more latin heat…damn that sucks…and its going to be weird watching him wrestle this friday night…goddamn tape delays…

Wow that’s sad. He was one of my favorite wrestlers when I used to watch


what a shame :(…RIP

Owen Hart > Guerrero…

either way, a sad story…

hmm i wonder how he died. i stopped watching wrestling like 5-6 years ago but its still sad when someone famous and on top of their career dies like this.


I’m not going to read the article… I don’t want to be crying in my 9:00… so I’m going to think it has something to do with drugs, he was “clean” for a while… but who knows… it was either too late, the damage was done, or he went back to the darkside…


Damn thats always sad to hear.

RIP latino heat.