X games rally cross on ABC

I’m almost certain it does matter. This would be the equivalent of us drag racing and me swirving into your lane at the 1321 foot mark.

no. at the end after the finish line

pastrana hit that orange barrier which was well before the finish line and crossed into foust’s course before the finish line end of story.


he crossed over into his lane after the finish line (or so they thought)

someone go find the race on youtube i can’t get on at work and go look the orange barrier he plowed through was well before the finish line

Those last two races were unbelieveable. And it was awesome how that one guy lost a tire on the asphalt and ended up finishing on a bare rim to make it to the next round. Oh yeah, and the tibby sucked balls.

I love any sport where you can lose a tire, half your body panels and have a bush stuck under your car, presumably on fire, and go on to win the gold.

I watch NASCAR religiously and the end of Poccono sure did suck after watching that. I really hope the X games open up people’s eyes to rallying in the States and how exciting it is.

Oh, and the Tibby was very disappointing. I used to own one and I’m curious what it had under the hood. It had to be either a turbo 4 or more likely a supercharged 6 since they said it was front heavy. Sad that it got slaughtered so badly by the STi but eh…the Evo’s had a worse day.

I think the evo had a better day just revving to 4k then being a tibby anyday

are you guys talking about a tibourone (spelling). if so the tib is a glorified POS wana be sports car. the STI Evo Renault along with others are proven Rally cars

yes they were racing a newer tiburon :nuts:

if its from Korea = shit

you all realize the tibby won a bunch of world rally championships right? as for travis I have seen vid of him at a 5 year old all the way up to where he is now and from the time he got on a 50cc bike he was awesome. he will win at whatever he does not to mention he is a nice guy…RC can eat my ass and will suck at nascar though

Navigators for a stadium course!! LOLOLOL!!! so worthless. It looked more like bumper cars than a rally

Yeah, I thought the navigators was a weird thing to have. The course was all of like 2 miles long and after driving it once, it wouldn’t be that hard to remember where to go, I mean, there are freaking barriers that make you follow the course.

i think its in the code you have to. they also had to run gravel tires

Yeah, you are probably right. I remember them saying that some rally car association was making them use those specific tires and wear special neck braces, so I would not be surprised if they made them have navigators too. It was funny though how Pastrana’s navigator didn’t even hardly say anything the whole time. At one point the announcers were like “lets listen in on travis and his navigator to see what is going on…” and then there was dead silence and the announcers looked like douchebags.

even though the course was small and not really a “rally” course, it was still exciting as hell and about 937858748x more fun to watch than a nascar race. I :love: teh xgames

the over/under jump was pretty entertaining.

i want to get some pictures of that with the car jumping the 60 foot jump with the car underneath it

I agree with you on the fact that TP is an all around racer.
As for you saying RC can eat your ass?
RC is a f’n machine. He just did a race in Orlando in a car and did pretty well. He is also a really nice guy and is super-dedicated to whatever he does. Its all about how far you are willing to push yourself.

RC is the man.