X-MAS Night Bars that are open

I’m sure many of you guys/gals are ready for a beer or three after spending/suffering a whole day with your entire family. Please list all bars that you know of that are open on X-mas day. I have a few buddies of mine that will be in town, and we used to hit up Friday’s in the Boulevard Mall, then head up to Caputi’s on Sheridan afterwards. I didn’t go out last year so I don’t know if they are opening this year or not, though I don’t see why they wouldn’t.

Friday’s , Boulevard Mall
Caputi’s on Sheridan (1 mile from Mighty)

Is Underground open? I liked the old men that offered to hold my penis while I peed. Talk about service…

cozumel i think

pearl st. is going to be open with a bunch of djs spinning… jubei gave me an invite a while back, but i lost it…

ill probably be on the floor at the pink

WOW … thats sounds fantastic … tough to find good service these days

shit yeah.
the stink is always open.

i hear sevens is…i belive the GBP too

did you know a brand new std native to hamburg only was traced directly back to having been spawned at that bar. it came from a red bull and vodka believe it or not.

if i’m out and brick bar is closed, i’d imagine i’d be at the pink…or the blue wall!!!

Doesn’t one have to get drunk at frizzies first to walk into the pink? lol!

nope to drink at the pink, you have to be thrown out of any bar in buffalo…but preferrably one in allentown…or have nowhere else in the world you could possibly be.

My friends are throwing a huge party at Amhest Ale house.

ahahahaahaha nice… i know a bartender there and she wanted me to throw it in there… she thinks the place is pretty gross also…

im either having ppl @ my house for some drinking or going with sherm

hmmm sadly i’ll be home, the bars back home better be open damnit!



haha. Ive heard this is the case from many people. Unfortunately since my friend bartands at Frizzy’s I never even make it to the Pink :frowning: I get KIA at Frizzy’s everytime. :bloated:

man up and increase your tolerance. it’s a fucked up night if you don’t end up on the floor of the pink or getting hustled in pool like jam. :lol:

Seriously, if I increased my tolerance any more, I’d die. :truestory:

i just got kicked out of there this week becaues my hat was sideways and i didnt have my ID on me.and the bartender called me a smart ass for having my hat sideways… and told me to leave…