X-MEN Review

Colossus needed to be bigger. Juggernaut needed to fight Colossus. Jack pretty much nailed it right on the head.

someone make a spoiler post and explain what happens after the credits

it pisses me off how it was dark pheonix saga meet omega red’s leech me god knows what

there is a part in the movie where prof x is showing students a video where moira mctaggert (i think she is the wife of gaurdian) is explaining a patient, and process, that honestly i wasnt paying attnetion to what it was, i didnt think it was important and i was really kicking myself at the end. i think it has something to do with using mutant cells to heal people with terminal diseases etc. all you need to know is there is a dude in a bed and he doesnt feel very well and moira is taking care of him (she is his doctor, or person who looks at his chart wearing a labcoat, however you interpret that)

anyways the way you find out jean grey is alive is that scott goes to alkali lake to cry and and shoot up some water. she comes out of the lake, kisses him, kills him, and so prof x senses this and tells wolverine and storm to go check it out. they find jean, bring her back to the mansion and it is explained that prof x knew about pheonix the whole time and kind of taught jean to keep the alter ego at bay in her subconscience. shes not happy about that, so when she wakes up she goes to the house she grew up in. prof x finds out she left and goes to where she is. they talk, prof x gets dusted.

now the credits scene spoiler. moira mctaggert is checking the chart of the dude who is in bed, and the dude in the bed wakes up and says hi to her.

oh and the dude has prof x’s voice. SHOCKING prof x is alive. no word on where cyclops went though

Was it just me or did they make wolverine all emo? That was pretty disappointing.

i thought it was a pretty good movie. i nearly lost it at the “im juggernaut bitch” line. the entire place just burst out laughing… nice little add to the movie :stuck_out_tongue:

HAHA you sneaky bastard,you went to regal this morning before work started.

I liked it,its a nice addition to the series.

Seems like the whole mutant gene supressant will fall through,magneto proves it.Awesome displays of his power BTW :tup:

Beast was pretty raw too :tup:

:word: I was LOL my ass off. :smiley: But as soon as it got to the scene where they open the door where the juggernaut is being held, I couldnt resist letting out a hearty IM THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH in the theatre :tup:

“im the juggernaut bitch” ahahah. thats all my brother was saying on the way home from seeing it yesterday. lol

Definatly awsome when he said that. The entire theatre started laughingn when he said that.

ok i jsut saw it…

how close is this move to the actual story line… like xaviar, being in the bed at the end…

does jean gery come back as something else? and is she truely the only class 5 mutant?

and whats with magneto getting back some of his powers… does that mean that the anti mutant serium is only temporary and all of the mutants that got injected will get there powers back eventually???


what the hell took you so long to see it?

anwser my questions bitch!


i dont think jean grey can come back i think she was killed. i did not like the move of not keeping nightcrawler in the scene. and wasnt juggernaut the same guy who played in the eurotrip movie only he got jacked

not a bad movie, interesting plotline, decent acting for the most part, great SFX. 3 out of 4 stahz.

THat HD has all your answers and many more… :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually I can’t tell you the answers… I’d be breaking the code.

it skips around a ton and blends like 10 story lines together. Phenix is an Omega class mutant. along with xavier, iceman and a few others. There are not many but here are the majority of them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega-level_mutant

Xavier is not Omega Level, and he has said many times Jean’s powers are far greater than his.



I know you mean Windows XP Pro bootup sequence… I know you do.

I told you I can’t explain… but I know someone who can. They guy who’s HDD that is… he is uber nerd. Omega Level Nerd