XBox360 Wireless Adapter

What’s best? I searched and couldn’t find my info. I have some crappy old Linksys wireless gaming adapter from my old Xbox but it doesn’t stay connected to XBL. :touchy: The MS one is $100 and it seems popular but I didn’t know if I could get equivalent performance for les $ elsewhere.

Gracias XBL Pros.

i had the same question then said fuck it and just spent the $100 on the microsoft xbox one…and haven’t lost connection once. i was skeptical since my wireless router is buried on the ground under my computer desk, and the wireless adapter is on my xbox under the tv set back in an entertainment center…but with all that shit in the way it still holds a great connection.

beats the hell out of trying to run a 50 foot ethernet cable under my house from the computer to the xbox…

name brands are usually more expensive for a reason…spend the money, you’ll be glad you did.

there was a used one for sale on here i thought for 65 or something. check craigslist too.