xlr8 machine shop

anyone ever here or use these guys ? or this steve stack guy

just wondering what kind of work he does .

Would not take the chance…

Best around, proven time over and over. The one guy on here commented about how Rick’s engines that run the local ovals go many times longer than anything done by anyone else around here. I know I’ve brought it up several times but he did Ray’s engine for me (in 2005) and it made 6 hp/ci AT THE WHEELS a few months ago. We’ve used him for 15 years with ZERO issues. Take the drive, enjoy the scenery and know you’re stuff is being done by the best around.

Holy redneck in your face loud engines sounds cause Im tuff website.

im asking morso cause another friend had work done by him and im kinda weary of the whole situation .

I see. Oh well, refer him to Rick to have it done right

cant at this stage man ,

His website certainly sucks and doesnt give much info at all. Just a dot on the state for a location too.

and yeah the website is a huge red flag

Supposedly he’s been around since 1975 and not once have I heard anybody mention his name or business.

one of the worst websites.ever.

If anyone on here knows him, it’d probably be Darryl. Looks like the guy is into oval racing.

Friends of friends have said very very good things about him in the past. (about 4 years ago)

If your really worried I can make a couple calls.

Bumping an old thread but… Definitely had my heads done by him and they turned out great. Website is done mostly by his kid. He is an older guy and spending years in a machine shop didn’t do much for his knowledge of computers and the internet. But he seems to know his stuff and my heads came back looking like new. Milled and valve seats cut. I know he is building stuff for other members on here as well.

No he isn’t lolololololol

I’m friends with his son Nick, good people.

Smart kid nick is


U ass lol

i had them resurface a flywheel, they did good work, and it was done right when they said it would be. Not the hardest job, but he’s a good guy and i got a good vibe form him