YAAAAA!!!!I get to spend a lot of money on...

my 90K mile checkup for the viggen!!!its going to be 900$ not counting small things i am going to have taken care of.

I drove down to central penna to live and work down here for the rest of the summer…and hit 81800K miles on the way down…so my “time for service” light came up on my info. display, and rather than do my 80/90K mile services done seperately, i am just going to do the 90K now…

im glad i worked so hard to spend money on maintencial fees and not super turbo fees. :frowning:

Okay yeah thanks for telling me!

well u bought the Saab…

[george carlin] whad ya buy a swedish piece of SHIT like that for? [/george carlin]

:cry: Just up and left everyone, and didn’t even say goodbye.

Good Call blown turbos suck, (because they dont blow)

I know. Screw his car. Chris is a big meanie.

Now I wish I would have laced that wax and polish that I gave him with chloroform.

Okay I’m not that mean.

guys. i know my obesity created an orbit from which all you fools fell victim of and gravity held you prisoner by. but ill be back soon. i just needed an excuse to get closer to the beach :)))))))))))))))0

okay…and the best part of this whole entire service…it now cost me $2300…with all the same performance numbers as before. awesome!

flex pipe in exhaust +300$
Front left wheel bearings +300$
the entire rear drum(ebrake) and rotor combos need replaced along with a new ebrake line +900$

someone put the wrong rear rotors on it and it destroyed teh drum part brake for the ebrake…sweet.

wow…sounds like you are having some bad luck…have a nice summer

Should of bought a civic if you wanted a cheap repair bill, the only way your going to have cheap repairs on a car like that is if you DIY. If I took my S4 to the dealer for 90K checkup im sure there would be a 3K+ repair bill too.

That’s what you get for leaving us without saying anything.

another reason i don’t ever want to own a european car without a warranty

new BMW’s 4yr/50K warranty on EVERYTHING FTW

I didn’t know you were gone for the summer…wtf?

well why not spend a little more and upgrade the shit instead? though that is a little high priced if you ask me. hit up a junk yard for some of that shit.

I dont think there are many Viggen’s in the J/Y.

lol, guy with an '01 9-3 comes into my shop today talking about saabs 45K maintenance plan

had to smile and say “man i know this kid…”


yea, i had an awesome weekend at the beach…i am coming home and i come to a stop in the NJ Parkway, because traffic sucks…i got to shift from 1st to 2nd and gues what happens…no more 2nd gear! yay!!!1

getting a new(used with 20Kmiles on a 99 9-3 that was rear ended) transmission put in next thrusday…awesome

Holy shitfuck. Push that shit into a river.

i’ll trade you my bill to get my airplane its annual inspection, for your 90k tuneup :slight_smile:

lol, MINGLOR. i had to drive his ass out to VT for one of those things (transmission). vermont is a beautiful place by the way. i would like to visit it again soon.