yamaha's turbo elantra

call up amf and get some shit powdercoated, that intake mani and valve cover are begging for it, port and polish it in the process

Intake manifold is already ported and polished via me, I have a new one coming in as soon as I pay off this project. Car is down at Speed Nation for some installs and tuning. I will be down there for most of the night if anyone stops by there.

Wiring was finished up last night, tuning should be done tonight.

still at speed nation? maybe i’ll stop down

If anyone wants to do a custom kit. I hope you will learn this from me. My total bill is 775 dollars so far, and the car is not finished.

I am so pissed,annoyed, angry at this point I want to pay the rest of what I owe and part the kit out.

it comes with the territory, its an expensive hobby! keep your head up and it will be all worth it in the end!

haha stupendous. whatta sleeper

ive seen it the past few days when i have been down in castle shannon for work.

as long as you arent going in debt. i think you should stay with it. now if you are gettin high on the credit card. i would say get out soon.

Going in debt is an issue. It either needs to be finished tonight, or I am going to have to part it out. Cannon at Speed Nation assured me it would be done, but, I still have my doubts.

Wait a min they put two guys on it anc charged you double the fees without telling you till now?

What kind of horse shit is that. That would be like going to a dealer ship, one of their guys needing help and them saying “Oh yeah buy the way we had to charge you double after the fact”.

If the job was too big for one guy they should have told you it was going to cost you double, not spring it on you in the middle of it.

775 for a tune? ! ? HOLY SHIT! Should have gone to hybrid, but I’m not sure if they tune whatever fuel mgmt you are tuning with.

From what I was told, the person who came in to help was there for something else, but is working on my car now. The owner of the shop explained to me without him he would be behind on the car. So, I’m not sure if I am getting double labor or what. But, if you bring someone in that does not even work at the shop, and the labor fee is still there at 50/hour, I don’t think that is very fair. The SMT, which is the piggyback, is difficult to learn, but not at 500 dollars of labor to read up, tune to idle the engine, and then work from there. At this point, I owe 375 dollars plus what else is going on tonight. If the car does not work, or the piggy back is bad, I’m not sure what I can do at this point.

To clarify for everyone. They installed the SMT-6 for me, which took about 3.5 hours, plus another .5 hours to resolder new injector connectors on, and .5 hours on the dyno, which is 75 dollars. So, 500 bucks of this project is for someone reading, learning how to use the smt, and then going from there.

Eh well Sean I’m going to have to say stick it out now that you went this far. To just up and give up it would be a shame and cost you in the long run even with parting it out.

If you need anything give me a call and I’ll see what we can do.

At this point Mike I’m not sure what to do.

I get done at give me a call after 4pm today. I’m at work till 3 and I forgot my cell phone.

I know it sucks when you are done buyin the hardware and you have to go and pay for a tune, but it is critical. No offense to speednation AT ALL but I would think they should give you a discount since they are trying to figure out how to tune your car? Stick in there with it…in a month you won’t even remeber where all your money went :wink: Good Luck and keep us updated!

I am by no means flaming on Speed Nation either, I am just simply sharing my experience with everyone. Its just alot of trial and error with this shit, I’m mostly venting right now. But it’s annoying, I have no garuntee it will work when I get there, and since it’s on the dyno, I don’t even know when I am being charged or not.

i think he will be singing another tune! when i left the car on the dyno very strong!

AWESOME! I love happy endings :wink: Let us know when we can check this crazy ride out!