Yarggh! Pirates!!


They come with serious fire power… and international waters… who is going to capture them?

they are criminals. most criminals are stupid. so maybe that would be their rationale

OK, I read them and I don’t agree because the arguing points are flimsy in my opinion. Put the guy that wrote that article in a small boat and give me an AK47 on the deck of one of those ships. You think he would be willing to do that?

Why don’t they put a sign on the boat saying we have no weapons, come get your free money? If they could carry guns there would be no pirates.

Why carry guns when you can carry flame throwers?

I think I might carry a trident, you would be at sea and all.

It’s a slippery-slope argument, basically explaining that you don’t know with what the pirates are armed and the last thing a sailor wants is to deal with a fire at sea or other damage to ship or crew. So far, the pirates haven’t been interested in bringing harm to the crew of these ships; they are only after ransom from the companies that hire the vessel.

You’re level of understanding has to go beyond what you see in action movies. This is real life and not every one of those boats out there have Jack Bauer on their crew.


See what happens when you fuck with America?! You get dead!

Mercenaries should be scrambling to be paid to be on these ships.

All I have to add after following this closely for the last few days is:


Oh, and we should carpet bomb that hole in the globe that calls it self a country.



there is a weird internatinoal law about being armed on a ship… but you may see this happening soon…

however it may lead to an arms race… right now, very rarely do people get killed by the pirates… but if you are going to start arming the boats, then you would assume there will be a firefight… and if RPG’s start to get invovled, it may start to get bad quick…

This should have been done the first night.

Washington 3, Pirates 0 is not the score of a Baseball game.

the lifeboat was sealed… there was no shot until this very second…

its not like it was an open boat… its essentially a capsule that they were inside

maybe this will shut some people up for a bit that keep saying obama’s a pussy and won’t use deadly force when needed

Yeah it took real grit to make that call.:roll2:

Its more of the fact he stood up to people trying to push America around. We didn’t go out seeking trouble and he did what he had to and protected an American citizen. Typically, a situation like this ends up with the UN taking over and telling us what we can and cant do and all procedures to settle it. The boat got a close to the Somalian water and America acted when it had no other option.

This was a great story and I don’t think anyone can find and bad part in it. The captain risked his live to assure his crew got to saftey and then the country stood behind him and went after him and he got out safely.

That is one hell of a fucking shot by the SEALs tho. Rough waters and moving up and down on both sides.

I’m saying he could have tried to negotiate with them and use “diplomacy”, but he just had them taken out, negative nancy.

Why are these self-proclaimed pirate fucks being granted interviews with the world media, instead of being locked up by law enforcement? Fucking africa.

I just don’t understand why when the US, UK and France, who make up the three most powerful Navy fleets in the world, are all having their citizens taken hostage this is allowed to continue. Send a fleet from each country and within a month there wouldn’t be a pirate left. If the news can find them and do interviews they can’t be that well hidden.

war on terror
war on pirates

…yeah, why not?