yay me

well i give my self a pat on the back. i have learned so much about the s13 over the years as they go, cause we all know problems occur randomly and its nice to be prepared so u can handle each situation with presicion and skill and minimal time loss. as i have come along. i have knoticed that i can pull a dash in under 10 mins, and can pretty much recite every color wire in the car. its all coming together. but my final feat today was i installed a automatic car starter into my manual 1990s13 winter beater, not only now can i start her up and get into a warm car when snows blowing and ur fumbling for ur keys…dropping them in snow and shit. but i also put in the unlock and lock feature. i was so excited about this i sat there locking and unlocking the doors and starting then turning off the car, so i the past 2 weeks my winter project that was unplanned has done a major change. and each car i work on gets treated a little better each time around. if any one ever has issues finding wires or wondering what one does or where it is. give me a shout. i love working on cars and feeling the sense of accomplishment like when u get to go out after with ur fresh mod cant wait till ur friends see and see how jdm tyght you really are,lol my car is everything to me. girls dont understand why my car holds so much priority in my life, somewhere between when im busting my knuckles from a slipped wrench or emptying my wallet, i relize that my 240 isnt a just a priority in my life, it is my life… everything just orbits around her in some way or anouther, some call me crazy for loving a car, i call it passion…


keep up the good work!

Deep man, very deep. Haha. jks

thoese are the exact words that come out of my mouth when im defending my feelings for my coupe…i love my car and thats that.

Hell yeah!

atta boi

Weird…but cool

… nice =D

Could you make your post a little more readable by pressing enter! =D

(I don’t mean to be a post nazi… really)


Good read

Awesome post.

It’s good to have something you enjoy that much,i also spend every free minute at my shop working on my 240s,but some days go smoother than others.
Good to know I’m not the only one goin’ Nissan crazy!

yea i can press enter more. probably would help. all yesterday i was setting up my powersteering, from hicas to non hicas. if i ever meet the s.o.b that designed the p/s set up on these cars im going to kick him in the nuts and tie him to a tree.
