
I am so tired of working on it.
day after day after day after day.

that is all.

someone copy and paste that
“this thread is worthless without pictures” emoticon

“this thread is worthless without pictures”

I bought my S13 hatch 2 weeks ago. I’ve been working on it day in day out and yesterday was the first time I was actually able to drive it (other than the driving it home part).

Even then, I’ll be taking it off the road again tomorrow since I’ve still got work to do on the rear end…

try buying a s13, building it all winter, driving it for a couple months then buying a big gay truck cause u wana do more to your car. i work on mine all the time and i still have a ways to go. i cant even picture the next time im driving it. insted i have the big gay truck.

i just tell myself it will be worth it in the end

and atleast the trucks 5 speed.

either sell it and buy a hyundai accent or don’t complain about working on it.

with the amount of money i have into a car that i can’t even drive yet i could have bought an almost new, reliable car that would be so good to me. however i wouldn’t have it any other way.

right now i drive a '95 civic that won’t hold coolant, but it doesn’t matter because it’s a 5 minute drive to my shop where i’m building the 240. i don’t have a job, what little money i get from selling parts and servicing other people’s cars goes into my cars, either in car insurance, gas or parts to finish the 240. that is my life at the moment and i’m perfectly content with it for now.

don’t bitch, fix your car.

i bitch while fixing my car. i should video tape that shit and post it up.

all you here is ither

“fucking pile of shit”
“oh fuck me!”
“oh fuck you”
“son of a bitch”

over and over and over…

but i wouldent have it any other way

lately i’ve been using “fucking cunt scab” a lot.

lol im still saving up for a 240

yeah i like that one to. lately iv been getting into the long “pile of shit brick rusty whore of a fucking pile of dirty cunt worthless…ect…” you get the idea

i dont see why you dident keep the one u had, it ran…

Yea, i find that if you take your car off the road you get lots more done. I’ve been driving and working on mine everyday and it feels like nothing ever gets done.

lol i never had one:p

fuck ya all i fixed my s13 hatch new everything got winter tires next day the snow stoped hasn`t came back and that same day it got written off


lol no im not ivan but i am russian

I like the term “slut” when running into a problem when working on my s13

“THIS DUDE IS SO EFFING annoying cause he just bitches about working on his car and we’re all on the same boat, OMG… STFU”

I’ve been trying to put on a cold air intake for 2 whole days now… TWO!!!

u must be full-blown braindead if its taking u 2 days to install a cold air intake. A 5 yr old Paraplegic, Autistic kid with Down Syndrome could do that in 5 mins. i mean… come on!

whats so effin hard about installing a cold air, tell us your problem and we may be able to help. Use the forums man so you dont need to get frustrated.

Ok ok, we don’t need to lie now.

7 minutes.