Yes Im making another Poll and Yes im buying a new car

hes gotta make sure his boyfriend can blow him in the back

so 2 lsx cars and an f-bod that might even be an ls1. these are proven designs that have been run in vettes. they are not exactly run of the mill blazers or cavaliers. It just goes to show that if gm really wanted to, they could build good cars.

When It comes to building reliable DDs the japanese manufacturers step the bar up.

Adam, I know exactly what you mean man. This dude is sheltered and his grandmother is definitely rolling in her grave. I have said that in other threads.


  • to just buy a reliable, good on gas, foreign car… and then stop… its like you keep making the same mistake over and over again… you keep buying domestic trucks/suvs then getting sick of them and selling them. I can not fathom how much money you have pissed away on them. Secondly, how does one have SO many problems as you

Dakota- Blown motor
GTO- various problems
I just remember hearing about every vehicle having issues…

why not buy an STI like the rest of the world? if you claim to be towing, or need storage then the wrangler is out… if you like typical blazer problems then go with the blazer… buy a reliable, fun, daily… and hold it for more than 4 months


someone who is bored should take some time and make a compilation of mikeri’s vehicle issues as seen on nyspeed :lol:

then another one for polls

I think you should buy a Honda or Toyota.


:picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard: :picard:

do you enjoy pissing money away? Srsly

you had a blazer not even a year ago, traded that in on the GTO, traded that in on a 2500HD, than traded that in on the explorer than your going back again?

i honestly am for once completely dumbfounded by your logic

uhm, they both look cheap and ugly, so no better than there…

Add to the list of things I never thought I’d hear myself say…

I think that Cavy is the better looking car of those two.

like i said, buy/lease something new with a warrenty and dont mod it

just buy a car from the mafia with the stipulation that if you get rid of it or get another car, theyll break your kneecaps. that will keep the cash in your bank account. :slight_smile:


Well you seem like a bit of a charlatan.

  1. More stupid? You sir are.
  2. Did your angry use of all capital letters make you forget your apostrophe?
  3. Bit of a run on isn’t it?
  4. Maybe you should agree that everyone makes mistakes, and that you can’t kill someone over it. I’m not talking about Mike, but more so towards VT1992S10.
  5. The Cavy looks 15 times better hands down.

why can’t we just go back to the point where you owned the GTO and call it a day?

ugh this thread isnt closed yet?

close it. lock it. please.

Well if you two wouldn’t have bumped it, it would have died off into oblivion!

edit: shit.


fuckers keep bumping it…

Seriously! Just let it die. And don’t be a retard trying to be ironic by bumping it by bitching about people bumping it!
