Yes Im making another Poll and Yes im buying a new car




Nice poll.

Anyways, you are a fucking asshole. You realize that your dead grandpa or whomever left you the inheritance is rolling over in their grave right? I mean you are really fucking stupid, but it bewilders me that there was actually someone EVEN FUCKING STUPIDER who thought it was a good idea to give you money.


You know what, it’s possible the relative WASNT that stupid. They probably just had a terrible relationship with the rest of your family… you know the type: “senile old detached miser who curses the ground his lower class family walks on” The guy probably gave you the money as a big FUCK YOU to your relatives… who are all crying at the dinner table as they hear about your latest financial exploits.


Maybe if he wiped the tongue marks off the windows and took off his helmet before he went to the dealer he wouldn’t get owned so badly. :shrug:


fucking LOL





Nice poll.



:thankyou: I was waiting for someone to catch that. I thought it was pretty good.



i inherited some money from my grandparents, who would have wanted to see me get what i want


How dare you suggest that his grandparents wouldn’t want him to piss away the money that they managed to accrue? They didn’t leave him that money so that he would have a head start and not have to work as hard as they did. They gave it to him so that he could satsify his every whim, no matter how wasteful.

His parents should be choked for not kicking him out of the house for trying to pull this shit. My parents would have kicked me out. It’s called “tough love.” You learn the value of a dollar quickly when you have to choose between paying the heat on time or satisfying a credit card collector this month. When you’re responsible for your own well being you learn that finding a way to justify something doesn’t necessarily make it so.

This is fucking appalling. I’m out.


This is fucking appalling. I’m out.


qft again.


His parents should be choked for not kicking him out of the house for trying to pull this shit. My parents would have kicked me out. It’s called “tough love.” You learn the value of a dollar quickly when you have to choose between paying the heat on time or satisfying a credit card collector this month. When you’re responsible for your own well being you learn that finding a way to justify something doesn’t necessarily make it so.


My parents would have done the same thing. Instead of forcing an ideology down my throat and getting on my last nerve every minute of the day: “you have to pay this on time!!!” They let me make my own mistakes… and as a result I quickly learned the value of $1. That’s the problem with the original poster and all these fucking threads. It’s not that he made a stupid decision or happened to “get screwed” the first time, it’s the fact he keeps doing the same retarded shit over and over again.

On that note though, I’d love to meet Mike’s parents and see what it’s like to live within the dredges of society, where responsibility is an unknown concept and where the only snail mail NOT stamped with a big CANCELLATION NOTICE [COLOR=Black]on them are offers from Jim Doyle Ford regarding their newest “steal of the century.” If Mike really grew up in this lifestyle, his consistently poor choices may not be his own fault; he is just a product of his environment.


Buy the chevy.

haha :clap: to James and Adam, good work guys :tup:

Wow, it got harsh in here.

unfortunately it probably wont make a sliver of difference.

I don’t think it is anyones bussiness on how he spends his money whether it was given to him or earned. Granted I have only had 3 cars since I got my drivers license and still own 2 of them but you’ll have that.

He was only asking what car/suv was better that is all!!!


I don’t think it is anyones bussiness on how he spends his money whether it was given to him or earned. Granted I have only had 3 cars since I got my drivers license and still own 2 of them but you’ll have that.

He was only asking what car/suv was better that is all!!!


You aren’t defending a retard, a child, or a battered old woman.

Before you put on your shining armor and try to save the day, maybe you should research exactly who you are trying to protect, you fucking idiot.


You aren’t defending a retard, a child, or a battered old woman.

Before you put on your shining armor and try to save the day, maybe you should research exactly who you are trying to protect, you fucking idiot.


wow, I am not going to lose sleep, haha


wow, I am not going to loose sleep, haha


If I see you, I won’t keep your noose loose.

wow…Sureshot! is en fuego today

Look out for the man on the warpath


If I see you, I won’t keep your noose loose.


You sir are a complete dick, I changed it while you where posting, I was just trying to help with information


this thread got interesting

Every American car he has bought has been a piece of shit, yet he wants to buy another? He also is buying a car based on looks (which American cars surely lack). You are a college student you shouldn’t be buying a car based on luxury, unless your 6’5+ and over 260 you should be able to fit in every car comfortably.

lol yeah. Why would you need a pickup or suv just to drive around if you didnt need the room or off road capability. What a waste

basically moral of the story is… if you don’t want peoples opinions don’t ASK FOR THEM.