Yes it's Really Me, Car Recently Broken Into Thread

x2 lol… seriously? looking for a stolen fucking deck… i pass them up at my shop for $10 all day long lol.

got one of those $10 decks with an install kit for a '00 F250?

as i stated, i let them walk for $10, but if your lookin for one the next one i get ill save for ya pjb… highly doubt its gonna come with an install kid for an f250 though lol

I dont want to spend money for an install kit on a work truck. I put a cd player in from my brother’s truck but it doesnt play burned cd’s.

modding the work truck all ready pjb

needz a t00n

I cant stand the radio and a 4 button am/fm was killing me on a long ride. Sometimes Im driving 3 hours at a time, usually to some backwoods nowhere town where the radio reception is almost nonexistent.

dude an install kit is like $12 at walmart

too rich for his blood

Better get 10% of that $100 deck value to Vlad ASAP if you want to keep this thread open, NICKAFAILO!

I forgot they sell them there

really I dont want to spend alot because my work is getting rid of this truck in February and Im going to get a new one.

Id pay c notes for good tunes on long rides…especially for 5 months of my life… PJB… fuck dude


In my own vehicle I dont have an issue, gotta have music. In somebody else’s Id rather not spend money because I wont get anything out of it in the end.

other than sanity while on the clock, and the deck back when you rip it out prior to them selling it.

Why not ask the boss-hoss that runs the co to get some skrill together and toss a Jenson or DUAL in dat bitch for ya? J-ROCK said he could make him a baller ass hockey stick wing for the back for like $20 too… hit him up.

its an international company with 12000 employees so I dont think they give a fuck whether I want music or not.

they are an equal opertunity employer right?

If so, “Jed from branch 64B drives a truck with a CD player in it, I want my equal opertunity to drive a truck with a CD player in it” said PJB.

Run that bitch right up HR’s taint!

Im getting a brand new truck in February and guys that have been there much longer dont have new trucks so Im not looking to make people hate me.