Yesterday I saw a UFO

fuck, ill have to get out the foil and make a hat so they cant read my mind!

ill never forget some pissed off farmer on TV at like 3am


I seriously question the intelligence of people who think of Aliens when they see a “UFO”.

In just about every case of UFO sightings, the military releases a new jet 4 or 5 years ago after said UFO’s were spotted. History has proven that, so your Dad saw a GFO- Government Flying Object.

OK, in typing it out, i didnt specify. Father saw the same thing i saw. He was in dunkirk, and i was in irving.

really not much to describe- just metallic- the way it looked in the sky tho i thought it was a star…until the clouds passed behind it

But it seemed like whatever it was gave off the luminescence, instead of lights above or below it, it was very weird

what? seriously, please stop with the religious bullshit. evolution has been proven, sorry your out of luck on this. your bible is like the plague, also like a native american tribal story. started, years and years ago, passed from person to person, with shit to make it seem true after several years.

I’ve heard of prophet yaweh, ive watched that video before as well, i dont know what to think of it

i’m sure it wasn’t one of the 1000’s of satellites we have flying around earth

I saw something similar in the sky too.

It looked like this


my thoughts exactly.

sorry guys it was me… i was going to post a bag of milk thread but now you blew my spot.

now im goin :snky: with it until i get it boosted.

i was going to bitch about the lameass trolls with their 4th grader responses coming out of the woodwork but i’m good. You dont believe me? you dont care? find another thread. It really doesnt bother me that someone says “OMG satellites and moons!”, that’s fine, shows intelligence. and I am in an auto forum, so…

are you from angola?

yeah, youll get a bunch of 4th grade responses on here. people just think they are amazing on here and that everything they say is going to be hysterical, but its not. then you have there ass fisting buddys who will back them up, because well like stated, they share the same dildo. dont let it get to you.


You guys are so silly.

And what have you brought to this forum?

At least wait till you do not have 0 posts before you start calling people trolls.

/Word. I dont post in the auto portion. so it doesn’t amass a postcount.

And what have you brought to this forum?

…Uh… i posted a thread to this forum. what do you want me to do, paint? i’ts a forum- if its not relevant to my interests, i’m not posting.

Yeah, i live around there.

Dude, this is a forum… a discussion of topics. Bet your ass people are going to call you out when you boldly title your thread “YESTERDAY, I SAW A UFO.” Did you honestly expect everyone in here to be like “Siq braugh, thats amazing, I always knew they were out there but im so glad you are one of the first people I know to verify this…”

If you had a video or pics or anything, it would make it a hair more harder to make fun of the topic, but just saying “I saw shiny shit in the sky and its and its a spaceman” is just quite inviting to teasing.

Jus sayin

lol, I was thinking the same thing.

Ice Cube says to check yo’ self before you wreck yo’ self

what? seriously, please stop with the religious bullshit. evolution has been proven, sorry your out of luck on this. your bible is like the plague, also like a native american tribal story. started, years and years ago, passed from person to person, with shit to make it seem true after several years.

you seem to have some issues with religion Kev, where did the priest touch you?
religious or not, he did not shove his view down your throat nor tell you do believe what he said or die. He offered a different paranormal explanation.
UFO is a UFO, unidentified flying object, aliens, gov plane, civilian planes, etc. and hed didn’t say he saw little green men waving from the window of a spacecraft. He said he saw something odd, wondering, if possibly, someone else saw it.
My guess is a drug seeking helicopter (if we have those around) or weather chopper?