yet another Porsche accident thread

but this time it is local.

A Greensburg businessman and his cousin were killed in a one-vehicle crash Sunday afternoon shortly after the two men left a party for the businessman’s 2-year-old daughter at his Hempfield Township home.
Westmoreland County Deputy Coroner Gerald Fritz identified the driver as Brian A. Svetz, 33, of Rembrandt Circle, and his passenger as Robert E. Burmeister, 35, of Mt. Manor Road, Manor. Svetz was the owner of Svetz Orthotics and Prosthetics in Greensburg.

Svetz and Burmeister decided to take Svetz’s 2006 Porsche 911 Turbo for a drive around 3:20 p.m. and left the party unbeknownst to others at his home, Fritz said.

State police at Greensburg said last night the men were traveling south on Arona Road at a high rate of speed when the car went off the west berm of the road and hit several trees a half-mile from Svetz’s home.

Adamsburg Fire Chief Don Thoma said the car traveled as much as 75 feet through trees before it rolled over.

“It looks like it may have become airborne. It knocked some trees down and rolled over.”

Police said Svetz was wearing a seat belt, but it was unknown if Burmeister was restrained.

Svetz was trapped in the vehicle, and Burmeister was ejected, Fritz said. He was found lying about 20 feet from the car. Fritz said both men appeared to be dead when emergency personnel arrived.

“Our paramedics were here first and one of our officers. There were some nurses trying to help, but they left by the time we got here. It’s a mess,” Thoma said. “We had the helicopters and everything ready, but there was nothing we could do.”

Fritz pronounced Burmeister dead at 4:50 p.m. and Svetz a minute later.

Both victims died of multiple trauma, the coroner said. Toxicology tests will be performed on the victims, but no autopsy is planned.

Thoma said the damage to the car was so severe, it was difficult to determine the make.

Numerous state police cars were on the scene, along with firefighters from Adamsburg and Strawpump volunteer fire companies and ambulances from Adamsburg and Irwin.

Arona Road was blocked off for about a mile. Traffic had to be rerouted for several hours.

pretty sad that this had to happen, but even more so on his daughters birthday.



I know that road, and if it is the point that I believe it is, that is insanity to be going anywhere over the speed limit. It is one of those roads that has some dips and rises in it, so if you really are going, say, 25 over the limit (I think the limit is 40), your car is going to rise up a little as you go over the bumps.

My guess is he was probably going 80+. Really really sad though, especially on his kid’s birthday. That’s terrible.

Very sad…makes you think twice before driving like an idiot


I feel soooooooo bad for his daughter having to go through life and that evrytime her B-day comes up she has to remember that her father died on that special day…


very, very sad. And also very stupid. I can’t say I haven’t done shit like this, but damn. I dont know if I would with a 2 year old daughter at home. :hs:

wow that is so sad…

fucking idiot.

the driver deserves his death.

terrible for the daughter and families though.

So anyone who decides to drive like an idiot deserves to die? I think people deserve to die for quite a few things but b/c they were driving stupid isnt one of them. I would say the driver had it coming driving like that.

“had it coming” and “deserves” are interchangeable for me.

wow that terrible

blayner u say soem stupid fukin things

shut the fuck up. seriously.

the guy left his daughter’s birthday party to show off a car he obviously didn’t know how to drive. he had terrible judgement, and easily could have hit someone. he could have killed someone other than his friend, someone who was IN NO WAY a willing participant in his bullshit.

fuck him. i’m glad he’s dead.

come make me tuff guy, u talked shit on me years ago i let it slide, bout me and my boy or some shit and i have no fukin clue who u are, u make dumb comments all the time liek the one u hope someon gets cancer and dies and im sure that could offend a few people on here including me so any time u feel that u can make me shut up stop on out to moon township and i will gladly giv eu dircetions form there

i have no idea who the fuck you are. should i?

and try some punctuation; i’m trying to read what you’ve written, and it streams like a kid with ADD who can’t find his meds.
