P Car Drivers...

…too much money, too little experience. :crap:


AMHERST, N.Y. (WIVB) — Police who responded to an accident which held up traffic along the I-290 say unsafe speed could have been a cause.
Accident investigators say 20-year-old Lynnsey Speer was driving in the center lane of the I-290 heading eastbound when her Porsche began to spin out on the wet pavement around 1:10 p.m… The car lost control and spun into the right lane in front of a large truck and was struck by the truck.
After it was struck, police say the Porsche crashed into a guardrail, where it stopped moving.
Police say Speer was driving too fast for the road conditions, and her father — who was the sole passenger — wasn’t wearing a seat belt. Mr. Speer, 40, suffered facial lacerations, and injuries to his elbows and knees. Police say he was partially ejected from the window. Mr. Speer was charged with not wearing a seat belt.
Ms. Speer and her father were transported to the Erie County Medical Center.

this actually was a friend of a friend, saw this just now on FB.

for what its worth, she was driving a 944, and those cost around the same as a 15 year old Honda civic soooo…

Maybe the wind blew it off course.

Name sounds very familiar

she posts on the DITB facebook page quite often. and all of the other car fag ones
