Stupid MK6 Accident Pics

In an accident in Wolfsburg on Wednesday evening, four young men 18 to 20 years, died. They rode in a brand new golf.

A fifth victim is in danger, police said. The 19-year-old driver had the 170 horsepower car, which was registered to his father, only a few hours earlier, picked up in person at the Wolfsburg plant. After he had driven with friends, with over 100 miles an hour through his hometown.

The vehicle was a function of the roadway, crashed into a traffic island, flung against a tree and was ripped from a second in two parts.

“The first responders offered a grim picture,” said police spokesman Thomas Figge. None of the five passengers had put on a seatbelt. All were catapulted from the vehicle and thrown into the street.

One of the men died at the accident scene, the other succumbed shortly afterwards in the nearby hospitals due to their severe injuries.

Currently, the bodies are examined for traces of alcohol, drugs and tablets.

In an accident in Wolfsburg on Wednesday evening, four young men 18 to 20 years, died. They rode in a brand new golf.

A fifth victim is in danger, police said. The 19-year-old driver had the 170 horsepower car, which was registered to his father, only a few hours earlier, picked up in person at the Wolfsburg plant. After he had driven with friends, with over 100 miles an hour through his hometown.

The vehicle was a function of the roadway, crashed into a traffic island, flung against a tree and was ripped from a second in two parts.

“The first responders offered a grim picture,” said police spokesman Thomas Figge. None of the five passengers had put on a seatbelt. All were catapulted from the vehicle and thrown into the street.

One of the men died at the accident scene, the other succumbed shortly afterwards in the nearby hospitals due to their severe injuries.

Currently, the bodies are examined for traces of alcohol, drugs and tablets.In an accident in Wolfsburg on Wednesday evening, four young men 18 to 20 years, died. They rode in a brand new golf.

A fifth victim is in danger, police said. The 19-year-old driver had the 170 horsepower car, which was registered to his father, only a few hours earlier, picked up in person at the Wolfsburg plant. After he had driven with friends, with over 100 miles an hour through his hometown.

The vehicle was a function of the roadway, crashed into a traffic island, flung against a tree and was ripped from a second in two parts.

“The first responders offered a grim picture,” said police spokesman Thomas Figge. None of the five passengers had put on a seatbelt. All were catapulted from the vehicle and thrown into the street.

One of the men died at the accident scene, the other succumbed shortly afterwards in the nearby hospitals due to their severe injuries.

Currently, the bodies are examined for traces of alcohol, drugs and tablets.

Dude did you guys see that the MK6 door was embedded into that tree?

That’s a tree…not a pole.

But how unfortunate.

thats what I said tree!:thumbup

but yeah thats fuct up

MK6’s are out already over there? Looks like a MK5 to me

I though it was an MK5 myself but this was the story title said MK6 I got this from a forum in England

yea we already sold one and i have a buyer looking at the other one we have… the interior’s are 100% nicer

Yeah MK6’s are out I saw two out front of Nemer VW in Latham one day driving to the northway

Is that tree wearing a door?

Does anyone else notice that the hood doesnt even look damaged? how is that possible?

It didn’t hit anything.

It reminded me of that M5 runway accident that kill 5 people ~>

I was going to say something like “evolution at work”, but I guess that won’t apply as 3 others innocent people are dead and 1 critically injured.


Anthony, do you have a source link of this piece?

Must have been going vay tvoo faust :ahh

RIP, it’s a shame that innocent people died. Whether or not they approved of the drivers actions may never be determined but it’s still not right.

yup the tree is wearing that door

Yeah I was surprised the hood looks fine but the entire car has damage I didnt get that either.
Thatlink you left yo couldnt even tll what kind of car that was

Tragic, RIP


oh fuck

Check this thread on the M5 board.



post a link please

No shit, right? Maybe I’ll be FAILARS.