Kid takes his own life and four others at an airport strip in an M5


I don’t even know if you can blame parents for this one.

To add fuel to the fire

the kid was posting on an m5 forum earlier that day. he was talking about how to work the paddle shifters when going like 140mph. some guy told him he would probably end up dead and take innocent people with him.

wow what a fucking retard, both the father and the kid…father for letting his son take his 08 M5 :wtf and the kid for drinking and driving 1 and 2 for being a douche showing off :headbang :nono

Dibs on the motor.

damit J one step ahead of me…

you’ve got to be moving for those big ass 5 series brakes to not stop you. :nono

A runway, even a mile and a half long, always ends at some point.

damn, that sucks, it wierd how the guy told him he is going to end up dead and taking a few innocent lives with him

So that means we’re both going to hell. :lol Dumb kids. :banana

I guess he can really say that “I’ve seen it coming”

Maybe I’ll try to digup that thread over there just to see what people said.

youll have to come take it from my garage

thats fucking sad. I can only briefly imagine the terrifying visions the people in that car had before coming to their untimely end

jesus christ dude :rofl

I’ve been in enough accidents, had enough injuries, and enough times where I’ve been “brought back” that i know its the scariest fucking thing in the world.

there is the thread about his shifting, someone linked it on honda-tech

18 year old kid, 500hp m5, recipe for disaster.

My only bit of advice matey - If you crash in a big way expect to be on the news.

Very eerie foreshadowing.

i’m 25, and i’ll probably be 30 before i can afford an e39 5 series, let alone an e60 m5. should have given the car to someone who knows its capabilities. :idiots

even though he says in the forums that it was his car, it states in every news article that the car was his fathers… surprise surprise, well not really

The kid was stupid and I could live with that.

What I can’t get over is that he took four others with him. Not knowing the circumstances or how intoxicated the passengers were at the time I can’t make a statement weither they were fine with it or too drunk to even know what’s going on. Nobody however has the right to take four others with you, because of your own mis-judgement.