YMCA Anyone?

OK, So currently me & Lacey go to Planet Fitness. Not the happiest with it & have been looking into joining the Y. Its much closer, well like 2 mins, and seems to be better overall…minus the increased montly payment. But, before I sign up I wanna know…does anyone go? What do u think??

where are u located?

I used to go to the one in Guilderland when I was younger and I really liked it. Theres a LOT of stuff to do there and its obviously a lot bigger than PF.

DJ & I live in Feaura Bush, so Id go to the bethlehem Y. As of now I go to the delmar PF & it sucks

well u will pay a lot for the Y. also depends on what u do. if u only do cardio and bs, then shit get urself a eliptical for ur home.

First I did the eliptical, treadmill & bike at home…does not work for me. I need to leave the house to work out or else I will be working out & watching DJ eat ice cream on the coach blaring the rocky theme song at me.

Second my dad Just set me up on a weight training schedule so I have been doing a lot of diff things. I clearly dont need heavy weights but I hate that planet fitness is 2" big.

im confused. are u a girl or guy? and who is DJ? one of my cats names is DJ, r u refering to one of my pussys?

LOL ! man you are fucking crazy LOL

DJ as in allstar graphics ?

anyways yea the Y was cool when i used to go, its not a seriously weight lifting gym tho, more like loosing weigt and shit, but its cool cuz there is alot u can do there !

what? sometimes i think ur lacking in the brain area. how the bitch tits was i supposed to know who DJ is? the only DJ i know is fat, orange with strips and like to lick me.

i just pictured this in my head, all in your living room. i will now be coming over to watch u reinact this. i will be joing dj eating ice cream :wtf

bro, i wasnt talking to you, i said "DJ as in allstar graphics ? " waiting for the OP to respond…

I know you posted right before saying DJ was your cat, but that didnt count since you were talking about a cat, so if u really think i was replying to your post, sorry it was misunderstanding lol:crazy

i dont mind dude, i live alot easier when people think im stupid, im not here to prove anything, or at least trying to prove im smart

i never said i didnt still hrt u, just think ur a little slow sometimes. :hug

speaking of slow, i thought u were saying “hurt u” not “heart u” hhaha DONT worry i got it now !:number1

Yea i always put the rocky theme on when she had all the exercise equipment at home

ywa ! i knew she was talkin about you

plus one for me, rep plz

watch me get neged now :Idiots

Sorry for those that dont know me I am Marisa…Bf is DJ (allstar graphics, also gsxtc)

Elliot Im sure DJ would love the company lol!

To answr previous posts, I am a girl, and looking to tone (light weight lifting) and cardio. But as most girls, I want choices! not just the same 3 machines and a couple weight lifting options.

YMCA should be just fine imo… anyways u should go there and ask to look around before u make any choices…

well i could go into this whole shpeal on this and that, but im sorry i just dont feel like it.

join Y and go at it.

u dont really have to cuz shes just going for some running and shit so whatever

99.874% of americans that “want to tone” dont know what the fuck they are doing and will not use there time at the gym to its fullest. jumping from machine to machine doing cardio when they shouldnt be ect ect. not to mention u can tone on diet alone.