A white man from Buffalo who said his black boss called him “cracker” and “stupid white boy” has won a $150,000 judgment in a reverse racial discrimination case.
Mark Pasternak, 48, said he left his job as a youth aide for the state Office of Child and Family Services after being verbally abused for three years by his boss, Tommy Baines.
An all-white seven-member federal jury - the eighth panelist, who was black, fell ill just before deliberations - found that Baines discriminated against Pasternak.
“It’s still overwhelming,” Pasternak said of the verdict, which came Tuesday after nearly a decade of legal struggle. “They called it reverse racism, but for me, I thought all along it was just plain racism.”
Pasternak’s black coworkers backed his claims he had been hounded with racial slurs and crude insults. Baines was fined $2,000 in 1998 after a state probe, but stayed on as a supervisor.
Pasternak, who fled an abusive father and grew up in a state group home, had been ministering to the kind of troubled youth he used to be.
“We were always taught that any type of racism, slurs - it was always looked upon as evil,” he said.
His lawyer, David Seeger, acknowledged it was an unusual case.
“As a civil rights lawyer, I know how hard it is to win discrimination suits and how rough African-Americans have it. I think it’s important to remember that,” he said.
Pasternak now works as a freight conductor.


i hate when it’s called “reverse racism” WTF does that even mean.

it would be the opposite of racism… which i’m having a hard time grasping what that would be…

reverse racism is where blacks and whites make out and hug each other during national holidays



i hate when it’s called “reverse racism” WTF does that even mean.

it would be the opposite of racism… which i’m having a hard time grasping what that would be…


co - signed, i feel the same way, reverse is not the right word. but that is america.

it said reverse racial discrimination, not reverse racism.

obviously it means when a “minority” makes negative comments to a CRACKA ASS CRACKA

It actually makes me kind of sick at the legal system for calling it “revers racisim” Makes it look like whit people are the only ones who can be racist. Some asshole judge probably just came up with the word. Good for the dude for winning the case though. I hate to see anyone who is treated like that at their job.

“Baines was fined $2,000 in 1998 after a state probe, but stayed on as a supervisor.”

Well that makes sense, he sounds like the type of person that should still be a supervisor.:bloated:

Reverse racism = Aryans loving Jews unconditionally? :gotme:


I’m happy that the fellow black co-workers testified on behalf of the Plaintiff too.

It’s a step in the right direction.

good about fucking time.

:tup: to decision
:tdown: to “reverse racism”
next time a white dude gets capped in the ghetto they should call it a reverse hate crime



i hate when it’s called “reverse racism” WTF does that even mean.

it would be the opposite of racism… which i’m having a hard time grasping what that would be…


fucking vouch


reverse racism is where blacks and whites make out and hug each other during national holidays


Definition: ^

Just wow. I hate how politicaly correct everything has to be. it can’t be racism because thats ONLY when whites do it…so it then must be reverse racism. :tdown:. :tup: to winning the case.

fucking crackers