is is me, or does that sound like a porno?
It is :whip:
lol earlier this week I had hunan beef from a local chinese joint for lunch
the next morning, as I was walking out of my apartment to head to work I let one go and it smelled exactly the same as the hunan beef lol
what are you laughing at? your fucking ass lets out some of the nastiest smelling air ive ever had to deal with, ur right up there with daryll(ddrop). remember at cedar point when we ate at the ‘east of chicago pizza buffet’? you smelled the god damn hotel room up sooooo bad, and you then proceeded to shit something so foul, and i had to shit soooo bad, but instead of you leaving the bathroom knowing i had to shit, you ran out of tp and had to hop in the shower to hose your ass down.
notes: 98teg has the 2nd worst smells coming out of him, #1 is ddrop
I seriously just LMAO :lol:
OMG!!! that was horrible…BWAHAHAHAHAHA…smell was so bad you could tasted it. Everything was ok at East of Chicago Pizza Buffet until 5 sec you walk out the door. RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! shit :lol:
howie is a weapon of air destruction.
I wish I read this sooner… I am not comming down to NYC after hearing this.
I can usually deal with your rotting cabbage smelling ass… but this new brand of sick wheat bread doesnt sit well with me.