Nyspeed docs come in! Help- my farts dont smell

im serious, its super weird. its been like this for a year or so, and my diet has only gotten worse since then.

the only time my farts will smell is if i have to poop. i have been pooping as regularly as ever, 2-3 times a day, same times - am after a smoke and a cup of coffee, afternoon before work, and sometimes at night before bed.

i dont get it. are my insides pickled? is it because of my terrible diet of mainly fried foods?


Did you bleach your asshole again?


but i dont think that has anything to do with it

I just think that it would eliminate odors…

It’s your girlfriend. You’ve dutch ovened her too many times…
she’s finally slipped you… THE ANTIDOTE…

my farts smell worse when i eat right…

gnc mega mens multi vitamin also helps. my pee actually smells and is a deep shade of neon yellow

hope this helps


I think you broke it!

It’s funny that your farts don’t smell even with your diet and lifestyle.

Farts normally smell because of intolerances with food, improper digestion from lack of chewing (which will cause gas as the body will pass on what you ate rather than digest it) and fatty, greasy oily foods that your body has trouble dealing with in larger than natural quantities.

Perhaps you lost your sense of smell from years of smoking? Or you enjoy the smell so now it doesn’t bother you anymore or register as something foul.

Not a doctor of medicine, but I have read up on this alot.

Glad someone has spare time researching smelly farts :stuck_out_tongue:

If you haven’t noticed…I’m up all nights now…I work (2) 35 hour straight stints tuesday to fridays…lay off me.

T’was a joke. Please don’t kill me :frowning:

I have insomnia. I feel your pain.

Same here. I wonder if it’s just because I don’t eat right for a long enough time to make it the norm for my body.

That’s usually a sign of not drinking enough fluids. Although no matter what, your pee will get brighter when you take vitamins, you should also increase your fluid intake with it.


Peanut butter. Word. That will fix your problem.

i still dont see the problem here

its not really a problem, but it worries me a bit

and don, cait says the same thing- they dont smell. so do all of my co workers. even when i rip a super loud one everyone at work is just like meh bc they know it wont smell.

i completely changed my diet a few months ago from a garbage diet to very healthy. before the change the toots were tolerable. now after all the fiber, vegetables, vitamins, and other array of healthy foods the tiniest of toots will turn all of the plants yellow. i am serious here, my farts could eat the stitching out of levis. this part is the worthwhile part, that whole good for my body thing is just a secondary benefit

Thats sorta creepy that anyone could be breathing the full fury of your fecal air and not know it…