you favorite Bartender's

now a days for me its all about going to a places with good service, where do you go, where are the good bartenders at…

Fahertys - Don and Joe - they are always on the ball, I go there just because of A+ service buy both of them , I wish the bar had Guinness on draft

Coles- Steve ( works only Sat) always real chill and cool dude, and pours a good pint

Irishman - I seam to get a good pour buy all the bartenders, but they do not talk much there

club w- Gary or Chris
liars- Gallagher or Jeff

Nate at third base…

Lauren at eddie bradys… she treats me well :slight_smile:

One with a tight shirt and big tits and low rise jeans and a cute smile and pretty face

clayton, curly, mr gilmartin at hardware

drew, jay, brian at the pink

not super into fahertys, its a bit frizzy-ish of a crowd. but scooter is the man for sure

the dude with the red hair at hardware is good to , he is like the only dude on allen that does not make you wait like ten mins for a drink…

i can’t believe no one’s said pauly who bartends everywhere

and i nominate myself because … well i’m pretty awesome

I remember Pauly from Kahunaville…holy crap lol

Wait, a bar called Flahertys doesn’t have Guiness on tap?

What a scam.


And I have to add Heather with Joe and Don. I just like her boobs; service is okay.