You got served...

… jail time for break dancin skillz yo!


Trespassing charges? The idiot daughter had a party while her parents were away. I’m sure he was either invited or came with a friend of someone who was invited. That’s the risk you take when you have a party in your parents home. If I was the judge I’d blame the daughter for throwing the party with alcohol and say “Next time you have the bright idea of throwing a party make sure you A. don’t have alcohol or B. have socially acceptable people over who won’t destroy your parents home.”

The daughter should pay for the damages for being so stupid at her parents house. “My parents are away! I’m going to have 100’s of people over who I don’t even know, and then tell everyone to get hammered and have fun!! It’ll be AWESOME!”

1 minute late repost.

Ha ha… serves him right for fucking up the sacred institution of the parents out of town house party.

Actually, it seems Newman’s thread is a repost.

I do admit that inclusion of the fully-quoted article sets it above having just a link.