You guys just ever have a off feeling time?

For the last 2 weeks ive had a lot of shit happen in my life and what not and i dunno im acting funny and its fucking with my relationship. I just tend to think way way too much. I think enough to fuck shit up that shouldnt be fucked up and i think enough to make me worry and feel insecure. Any of you guys ever get that way? I know what did it to me too… cause i used to never be like this. Strip club business will fuck with your head for a long time and it makes a relationship hard as fuck. Constantly gotta worry about things. My boss fucked up my head real bad when it comes to women. Granted i can love but i lack the confidence i once had, promarily cause ive heard for the past year that im not good enough to get women or im not good enough to keep them, all coming from my boss. This has given me some really really severe complexes and its straining my relationship trying to get over them. I work with the g/f at the strip club, no shes not a stripper, but i was told to stay away from her and i didnt, my boss knows we are together no because I finally told her. She split us up now so i dont work with her anymore, all because my boss wants to turn my gf into a stripper. Not knowing whats goin on at work it gut wrenching and makes me scared. I dunno maybe im over reacting and all but god i need to get this off my chest and i feel comfortable around you guys to do so. Mainly because ive known some of you for years now. Anyways feed back is welcome.

Sounds like you need a career change Jeremy. Good luck. Go take the cobra for a spirited ride. That usually makes me feel better. :slight_smile:

i did on the way home and it didnt help. im just thinking way way too much right now. Im trying ot get out of teh strip club life and i want the gf to get out too. i worry about her a lot. cause i know what it can do to you and where you end up, and its not pretty. Shes done a couple champagne rooms and it bothered me enough i almost plit with her and tonight she told me shes never doing them again cause she knows it hurts me. But with my boss and the free alcohol im extremely worried. Especially since im not there to protect her. Am i wrong for worrying so much since ive seen this happen to girls before. They start out as waitresses and end up as strippers, and thats the last thing i want the gf to become.

your baoss is trying to split you guys up because she wats to make your GF into a stripper.

Holy fuck does that sound like it belongs on MTV.

Aside from that I would grab the GF and leave find new jobs. fuck that shit.

yeah i know. the gf has this job as extra money, she doesnt make enough at her everyday job to support herself so shes doing this for extra money and what not so she can buy some stuff for her and treat herself to things every now and then.


I would not want my wife to be a stripper regardless of the $$$. I’m happy with her being a nurse.

my point exactly

Hannibal me and you have butted heads, but in all serious grab the GF and run far away. even if she has to drove an hour to and form work, fuck that shit. You know what ends up happening to these girls when they get sucked in.

Then you need to make a personal choice and let her make hers. Get out of the club and tell her that you would like her to as well. If she does, then the relationship is stronger to her than the need to have excessive stuff. If not then you aren’t her top priority and probably shouldn’t be in the relationship.

true either way if things dont work out its gonna hurt a lot … this is the first girl ive loved in a long long time.

Good luck Jeremy. I feel for you. I know how it is when I am fighting with my wife. It sucks and I know that in a day or 2 things will be fine and it still sucks. Not knowing what is going to happen is rough. You’ll be fine either way.

eh she still aint sent me a text message and i sent her one around 8 pm… before i left work i told her to get her phone cause id text her. im soo scared.

thanks for teh support guys

If she is just working the job for extra money…why can’t she waitress in a normal restuarant…like Red Lobster or something. Have her start applying to other places… as soon as one calls… go !!!1 You should do the same. I’m guessing you’re a bouncer… Lots of bars need bouncers.

im a bouncer and a dj, i know how everything in a strip club works. its kinda scay when you think about it. and i know shes getting in way way over her head. i hope with what ive told her to expect shell beat the odds but with me factored out of working with her it doesnt look to promising.