You know what really sucks

When you have to take a blood test and you’re not supposed to eat for like 12 hours before the test

I’m fucking hungry


same deal when you get x-ray’s…then when u can finally eat/drink something…it’s this horrible shit they give you…BLAH

cat scans are like… don’t eat or drink… mmm drink this awful chalky banana flavored beverage that will make you glad you didn’t eat so you have nothing to puke up. thankfully they went back to red crystal light.


LOL@ zong being the dick of the year!!


Yo Zong, you fucking piece of shit



:lol: at Zong

actually :lol: at Howie

HAHAHAH… Atta boy Zong, that is exactly something that I would do!! You get a :tup:


sorry howie :slight_smile:


that was hilarious Zong…nice one :slight_smile:

im so hungry now!

almost lunch time!

Holy shit nice one. :lol:

just got done eating a toasted turkey sandwich with extra cheese… if you ask me the cheese was a little too melted…but it was wonderful anyways. i give it a 9/10

So that rash Skunk gave you never went away huh ?

bump because i remembered this thread today and it made me laugh.

Wow LOL, that was worth it.
If I didn’t eat for 6 hrs, id pass out.

I don’t think I could do that. I’d have the mother of all headaches.