You Know What Rules?

Taking a 10 minute phone servey on computer geek stuff and being paid $50 to do it!

That is all.

I want in!!



There is no link, I got called and offered, it’s not something I can pass along you greedy bitches!!



I know there is no link.
Did they ask you if you were in the PR, or Information Research industry in any capacity?

you were just social engineered.


you better wipe your hard drives cus big brother is going to be knocking in about 2 days

“MSDN, MSDN!!” is what I will say when the MS police come…

Actually, it was a hardware survey if memory serves (I took the survey a few weeks ago). They were asking about what I thought of AMD and Intel in this whole legal battle that is raging with Intel’s monopolistic behavior… I’ll take it!

Nice, when someone calls my house for a survey i just hang up on them though…maybe i should give them more then 5 secs…hrmm

hahhahaha worddddddddd