You know you have no life when...

You send me 23 unique application invites:

sent an invitation using Animated GIFTS:
sent an invitation using Secret Wall:
sent a request using Owned!:
sent an invitation using Friends For Sale!:
sent an invitation using FB Models:
sent a request using Most Wanted Valentine!:
sent an invitation using What Color Is Your Heart?:
sent an invitation using Sticky Notes:
sent an invitation using Welcome Box:
sent an invitation using When Will You Get Married? :
sent a request using Testimonials:
sent a request using Friend Hug:
sent a request using Shots! for Valentines and More!:
sent an invitation using Kinky Poke:
sent a request using Reveal:
sent an invitation using Right Brain vs. Left Brain Creativity Test:
sent a request using Spatial IQ Test:
sent a request using Send Love:
sent an invitation using Socialmoth Secrets:
sent an invitation using Create-a-Valentine:
sent a request using Send Jewellery!:
sent a request using Send Roses:
sent an invitation using What Grinds My Gears:

Name removed to protect the identity of the individual (not from SON anyway). But god damn, this girl needs to step outside and get some fresh air.

Maybe she just wants to get to know you.

You should ask her if you could bottle her vag juice.


You know you have no life when…

your name is Antonio and you post this BS on a car forum.


Solarian, I just saw the thread title and I KNEW right away that you started the thread. I guess I was right. :slight_smile:

As if anyone talks about cars in member’s chat :stuck_out_tongue: I was just sharing some funny shit with people that I think appreciate it. Like when I passed by Slough St. yesterday when stuck on Airport Rd, and thought “aren’t I already on slow street?”

You know you have no life when…

You have over 4800 posts on SON and your not even a mod.

hahahaha I never thought of that one, Solarian = post whore\forum addict

Weaksauce =P Just because I have more posts than the two of you doesn’t necessarily mean anything. It’s not like either one of you have a very small number.

no life when 95% of your posts are in the chat section


haha best one yet.

yea , but they have also been here longer than u